
1.6 KiB

/vault/key - GET

Returns the encrypted ContentKey of the vault.

HTTP Headers

Header Content
Authorization Bearer {token}


200 - Success

Content - JSON:

Field Description
key The vaults encrypted ContentKey.

401 - Error: Unauthorized

The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation.

403 - Error: Forbidden

Blocked for security reasons.

404 - Error: Not Found

The authorized user has no vault. This can be fixed with a /vault/init call.

/vault/key - PUSH

Uploads a new encrypted ContentKey and with this replacing the old one. This should never change the ContentKey itself but only the encryption layer around it. This is intended to be used for password changing only!

HTTP Headers

Header Content
Authorization Bearer {token}
Content-Type application/json

Content - JSON

Field Description
key The vaults encrypted ContentKey.


200 - Success

Changed the encrypted ContentKey successfully.

400 - Error: Bad Request

The request was malformed.

401 - Error: Unauthorized

The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation.

403 - Error: Forbidden

Blocked for security reasons.

404 - Error: Not Found

The authorized user has no vault. This can be fixed with a /vault/init call.