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-- create the required tables under `std`
trinitrix.std = { keymaps = {} };
--- Add a new keymap. This is just a convenience function which registers the function
--- and at the same time deals with the fact that the whole trinitrix api is async.
---@param mode string
---@param key string
---@param callback function
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add = function(mode, key, callback)
local callback_key = trinitrix.api.register_function(function()
local co = coroutine.create(callback)
while coroutine.status(co) ~= "dead" do
trinitrix.api.keymaps.add(mode, key, callback_key)
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("ci", "<ESC>", trinitrix.api.ui.set_mode_normal)
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("n", ":", trinitrix.api.ui.command_line_show)
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("n", "i", trinitrix.api.ui.set_mode_insert)
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("n", "<TAB>", trinitrix.api.ui.cycle_planes)
-- a simple test to prove that key chords work
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("ni", "jj", function() print("hi") end)
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("n", "q", trinitrix.api.exit)
-- Help people
trinitrix.std.keymaps.add("n", "<C-c>", function() print("To exit trinitrix use 'trinitrix.api.exit()' instead!") end)