forked from trinitrix/core
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use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use syn::DeriveInput;
mod generate;
/// This is the heart of the command api
/// It mainly does two things:
/// - Generate a command enum
/// - Wrap the enum in all supported languages (only lua for now)
/// - Generate wrapper lua function for each command
/// - Generate a `add_lua_functions_to_globals` function, which adds
/// the rust wrapper functions to the lua globals.
/// The input and output values of the wrapped functions are derived from the values specified in
/// the `Commands` struct.
/// The returned values will be returned directly to the lua context, this allows to nest functions.
/// For example this rust code:
/// ```rust
/// #[ci_command_enum]
/// struct Commands {
/// /// Greets the user
/// greet: fn(String) -> String,
/// }
/// ```
/// results in this expanded code:
/// ```rust
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// pub enum Command {
/// Greet(String),
/// }
/// pub fn add_lua_functions_to_globals(
/// lua: mlua::Lua,
/// tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>,
/// ) -> mlua::Lua {
/// lua.set_app_data(tx);
/// let globals = lua.globals();
/// {
/// let wrapped_lua_function_greet = lua
/// .create_async_function(greet)
/// .expect(
/// format!(
/// "The function: `{}` should be defined",
/// "greet",
/// )
/// );
/// globals
/// .set("greet", wrapped_lua_function_greet)
/// .expect("Setting a static global value should work");
/// }
/// drop(globals);
/// lua
/// }
/// async fn greet(lua: &mlua::Lua, input: String) -> Result<String, mlua::Error> {
/// let (callback_tx, callback_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<String>();
/// let tx: core::cell::Ref<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>> = lua
/// .app_data_ref()
/// .expect("This should exist, it was set before");
/// (*tx)
/// .send(Event::CommandEvent(Command::Greet(input.clone()), Some(callback_tx)))
/// .await
/// .expect("This should work, as the receiver is not dropped");
/// match callback_rx.await {
/// Ok(output) => {
/// return Ok(output);
/// }
/// Err(err) => {
/// return Err(mlua::Error::ExternalError(std::sync::Arc::new(err)));
/// }
/// };
/// }
/// ```
pub fn ci_command_enum(_attrs: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
// Construct a representation of Rust code as a syntax tree
// that we can manipulate
let input: DeriveInput = syn::parse(input)
.expect("This should always be valid rust code, as it's extracted from direct code");
// Build the language wrappers
let lua_wrapper: TokenStream2 = generate::lua_wrapper(&input);
// Build the final enum
let command_enum = generate::command_enum(&input);
quote! {