// This file is part of noxos and licensed under the MIT open source license #ifndef NOXOS_MBR_H #define NOXOS_MBR_H #include "utils/stdtypes.h" #include "utils/string.h" typedef enum { MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_UNUSED = 0x00, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_GPT = 0xEE, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_EXT2 = 0x83, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_FAT12 = 0x01, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_FAT16 = 0x04, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_FAT32_CHS = 0x0B, MBR_PARTITION_TYPE_FAT32_LBA = 0x0C } mbr_partition_types_E; typedef struct { uint8_t boot_indicator; uint8_t start_head; uint16_t start_sector:6; uint16_t start_cylinder:10; uint8_t partition_type; uint8_t end_head; uint16_t end_sector:6; uint16_t end_cylinder:10; uint32_t start_lba; uint32_t num_sectors; }__attribute__((packed)) mbr_partition_header_T; typedef struct { uint8_t bootstrap [446]; mbr_partition_header_T partitions [4]; uint8_t signature [2]; } mbr_header_T; string_t mbr_partition_type_to_string(mbr_partition_types_E type); #endif //NOXOS_MBR_H