Welcome :D Nice, that you're interested in contributing. There are several ways to contribute to NoxOS: - Write code - Maintain Documentation - Typos - Grammar - Is the documentation up to date? - Plan stuff (e.g. syscalls) - open Issues # Before Contribution Please read the [Code-Style wiki entry](https://codeberg.org/antifallobst/noxos/wiki/Code-Style) before you start to contribute. For workspace setup and build instructions look at [this wiki entry](https://codeberg.org/antifallobst/noxos/wiki/Build-instructions). **We don't accept any Assholes! If you're a fascist, racist, or discriminate others for anything, go fuck yourself.** # Contributing When you contribute code, please [document](https://codeberg.org/antifallobst/noxos/wiki/Kernel-documentation) it. You don't have to (and you also shouldn't) write romans, but a few lines for every in a header exposed function, struct etc. help others (and yourself) understanding how to interact with your code. ## What dafuq is ...? OS development can be quite complicated/confusing. That's Ok. Stuff like Paging can be really weird, if you don't have osdev experience. But there are learning resources and places, where you can ask questions. **A small overview about such resources and places:** - The [osdev wiki](https://wiki.osdev.org) is like wikipedia - just for hobby os developers. - The [osdev subreddit](https://reddit.com/r/osdev) is a great place to ask questions and share knowledge - Intel's [developer manual](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/technical/intel-sdm.html) is a more advanced but kinda precise information source Also feel free to join the [NoxOS Matrix space](https://matrix.to/#/#noxos:systemausfall.org), where you can chat with other NoxOS devs and ask questions. **But Stay Respectful, Or We `sudo rm -rf /` Your PC ;)** # Where to start? Get the codebase and play a bit around with it. Try to understand basic concepts of the codebase, the [documentation](https://codeberg.org/antifallobst/noxos/wiki/Kernel-documentation) will help you. After that you can search the [Issues](https://codeberg.org/antifallobst/noxos/issues) for the `Good First Issue` label, to find easy improvements, etc. that you can try to implement. Another option is to ask in the [Matrix Space](https://matrix.to/#/#noxos:systemausfall.org).