# Nightfall Nightfall is a minimal dark theme for Hugo ![Hugo Theme Nightfall](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall/main/images/screenshot.png) ![Hugo Theme Nightfall Posts](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall/main/images/screenshot_2.png) ## Get the theme Import as [hugo module](https://gohugo.io/hugo-modules/use-modules/#use-a-module-for-a-theme) in `config.toml`: ```toml [module] [[module.imports]] path = 'github.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall' ``` OR Import manually: 1. `git clone https://github.com/LordMathis/hugo-theme-nightfall themes/nightfall` 2. Add `theme = "nightfall"` in your `config.toml`: ## Configuration For full example chech `exampleSite/config.toml` Add these params to you `config.toml` ```toml [params] author = "Mr Hugo" user = "hello" hostname = "gohugo.io" ``` You can also add social links ```toml [[params.social]] key = 0 name = "github" url = "https://github.com/gohugoio" [[params.social]] key = 1 name = "twitter" url = "https://www.example.com" [[params.social]] key = 2 name = "linkedin" url = "https://www.example.com" [[params.social]] key = 3 name = "email" url = "mailto:email@example.com" ``` To add a menu item add `[[menu.header]]` item to `config.toml`. For example: ```toml [menu] [[menu.header]] name = "posts" weight = 0 url = "/posts" ```