{{ if .Params.noindex }} {{ if or (eq (.Param "noindex") true) (eq (.Param "noindex") "true") }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ template "_internal/google_analytics.html" . }} {{ $defaultStyles := resources.Get "css/style.scss" }} {{ if and (isset .Params "color") (not (eq .Params.color "")) }} {{ $localColorCss := resources.Get (printf "css/color/%s.scss" .Params.color) }} {{ $localCss := slice $localColorCss $defaultStyles | resources.Concat (printf "css/%s-local.scss" .Params.color) }} {{ $localColorStyles := $localCss | resources.ToCSS }} {{ else }} {{ $colorCss := resources.Get (printf "css/color/%s.scss" ($.Site.Params.ThemeColor | default "orange")) }} {{ $css := slice $colorCss $defaultStyles | resources.Concat "css/base.scss" }} {{ $options := (dict "targetPath" "styles.css" "outputStyle" "compressed" "enableSourceMap" true "precision" 6 "includePaths" (slice "node_modules")) }} {{ $styles := $css | resources.ToCSS $options }} {{ end }} {{ if (fileExists "static/style.css") -}} {{- end }} {{ if isset $.Site.Params "favicon" }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ if (isset $.Site.Params "twitter") }} {{ if (isset $.Site.Params.Twitter "site") }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ if (isset .Params "cover") }} {{ $pageCover := .Param "cover" }} {{ with (.Resources.GetMatch (.Param "cover")) }} {{ $pageCover = .RelPermalink }} {{ end }} {{ else }} {{ if isset $.Site.Params "favicon" }} {{ else }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ range .Params.categories }} {{ end }} {{ if isset .Params "date" }} {{ end }} {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" }} {{ end }} {{ with .OutputFormats.Get "json" }} {{ end }} {{ partial "extended_head.html" . }}