noxos (docs): merged 'proc' docs from .wiki

This commit is contained in:
antifallobst 2023-03-16 12:12:05 +01:00
parent f06b61486d
commit c507f15fb8
4 changed files with 243 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,56 @@
--- ---
title: "proc" title: "proc"
--- ---
The general processing structure is a bit more complex,
so I've split the schematics into multiple parts.
Processes Schematic:
| Kernel Process | <----+
| [Threads] | |
+----------------+ |
| [Parent]
[Childs] |
| +--------+--------+
v / \
+-----------+ +-----------+
| Process 1 | --[Next]-> | Process 2 |
| [Threads] | <-[Prev]-- | [Threads] | . . .
+-----------+ +-----------+
| |
[Childs] [Childs]
| |
v v
. . . . . .
Thread Schematics (processes view):
| Process | <-------+
+---------+ |
| [Process]
[Threads] |
| +--------+--------+
v / \
+----------+ +----------+
| Thread 1 | --[LocalNext]-> | Thread 2 |
| | <-[LocalPrev]-- | | . . .
+----------+ +----------+
Thread schematics (schedulers view):
+----------+ +----------+ +----------+
+---> | Thread 1 | --[GlobalNext]-> | Thread 2 | --[GlobalNext]-> | Thread 3 | . . . ----+
| +-- | | <-[GlobalPrev]-- | | <-[GlobalPrev]-- | | . . . <-+ |
| | +----------+ +----------+ +----------+ | |
| | | |
| +------------------------------------[GlobalPrev]------------------------------------+ |

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@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
title: "process.h"
summary: "processes are the containers, in which threads are organized"
The maximum amount of threads a process can have.
This limitation is just for the bitmap,
the overall processing structure would be capable of processes with unlimited threads, in theory.
If [process_get_thread_id]( returns this, the process can't spawn one more thread.
# `pid_t` - typedef
A typedef for `uint32_t`, used for process identification.
Such an identification number is also called `pid`.
# `processes_standard_E` - enum
These are standard pids
- **None** - This pid is invalid, like `NULL` is an invalid pointer
- **Kernel** - The kernels' main process
# `process_T` - struct
| Name | Type | Description |
| name | char[128] | The processes' name |
| id | pid_t | The process-identification number |
| chunk | void* | A pointer to the chunk, where the process is stored in |
| chunk_id | uint32_t | The processes id inside of its chunk |
| page_map | [page_map_T](* | The processes page map. |
| executable | [elf_executable_T](* | The processes executable |
| num_threads | uint32_t | The amount of spawned threads, that belong to the process |
| threads | void* | A pointer to the processes' first thread |
| thread_ids | bitmap_T(reference needed) | This bitmap keeps track of the local thread ids the process has |
| parent | [process_T](* | The process, that spawned this process |
| childs | [process_T](* | A pointer to the processes' first child process |
| prev | [process_T](* | The previous process |
| next | [process_T](* | The next process |
# `process_kernel_spawn(executable)` - function (void)
Spawns the kernels' main process.
**Warning:** this should only be called once, when initializing the scheduler!
# `process_spawn(parent, name, executable, buffer)` - function (pid_t)
Spawns a process named **_name_** as child of **_parent_** and returns its pid.
The process gets its own page map with the mappings specified in **_executable_**.
In order to apply these mappings, this function needs the **_buffer_** where the executable was loaded from.
# `process_get_thread_id(process)` - function (int32_t)
Searches for a free thread id in the process.
If it finds one it returns it, else it returns [THREAD_ID_INVALID](
# `process_clear_thread_id(process, id)` - function (void)
Frees the thread **_id_** and makes it request-able again.
# `process_kill_pid(pid)` - function (void)
Resolves the pids process and performs `process_kill` on it.
# `process_kill(process)` - function (void)
Kills **_process_** and all of its threads and child processes.
This will also destruct the `executable` and `page_map` associated with **_process_**.

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
title: "scheduler.h"
summary: "the scheduler is responsible for switching between threads and controlling processes"
#### `scheduler_processes_chunk_T` - struct
These chunks are a combination of static array and linked list.
They store the [process_T]( pointer for each valid `pid_t`.
| Name | Type | Description |
| processes | [process_T](** | The array of process pointers |
| processes_bitmap | bitmap_T(reference needed) | If a bit in this bitmap is set, the _processes_ entry with the same index is valid |
| num_free_pids | uint32_t | The amount of free slots in this chunk |
| prev | [scheduler_processes_chunk_T](* | The previous chunk |
| next | [scheduler_processes_chunk_T](* | The next chunk |
#### `scheduler_T` - struct
| Name | Type | Description |
| num_threads | uint32_t | Total amount of currently spawned threads |
| num_processes | uint32_t | Total amount of currently spawned processes |
| running_thread | [thread_T](* | A pointer to the currently running thread. |
| processes | [scheduler_processes_chunk_T](* | The first processes store chunk |
| blocked | bool | Set to true, while switching the context. Thread safety mechanism. |
| initialized | bool | Set to true, if the scheduler is initialized and started. |
#### `scheduler_init(boot_info)` - function (void)
Initializes the scheduler and performs a `nx_scheduler_start` kernel syscall.
**_boot_info_** is needed in to spawn the kernels' main process.
After this function, the whole kernel is in scheduling mode.
#### `scheduler_start(state)` - function (cpu_state_T*)
Creates and starts a thread from **_state_**.
It returns the result of a context switch, I forgot, why I did it like that.
This is basically the backend for the `nx_scheduler_start` kernel syscall.
#### `scheduler_is_initialized()` - function (bool)
Returns if the scheduler is initialized (and running) or not.
#### `scheduler_dump_info(process, indent)` - function (void)
This recursively lists information(pid, name, threads) for all child processes of **_process_**.
**_indent_** is used intern for the recursive calls and should be set to 0 initially.
#### `scheduler_register_thread(thread)` - function (thread_T*)
Registers **_thread_** in the scheduler.
#### `scheduler_pause_thread(thread)` - function (void)
Pauses **_thread_**, by removing it from the scheduling queue.
**Potential Bug:** if **_thread_** was the currently running thread,
this could cause issues, because it's _prev_ and _next_ values are nulled.
#### `scheduler_start_thread(thread)` - function (void)
Starts **_thread_**, by linking it into the scheduling queue.
#### `scheduler_kill_thread(thread)` - function (void)
Pauses and unregisters **_thread_**.
#### `scheduler_register_process(process)` - function (pid_t)
Reqisters **_process_** and returns its pid.
#### `scheduler_kill_process(process)` - function (void)
Kills **_process_** and its threads and childs.
#### `scheduler_get_process(pid)` - function (process_T*)
Returns the `process_T` pointer that is associated with **_pid_**.
#### `scheduler_get_current_thread()` - function (thread_T*)
Returns a pointer to the currently running thread.
#### `scheduler_get_current_process()` - function (process_T*)
Returns a pointer to the currently running threads process.
#### `scheduler_switch_context(state)` - function (cpu_state_T*)
Saves **_state_** in the running threads _state_ value and increments their _cpu_time_ value.
Then it sets the next thread as the running thread and returns its _state_.
This needs to be called from an interrupt handler, for the returned state to be loaded.

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
title: "thread.h"
summary: "threading infrastructure"
# `thread_T` - struct
| Name | Type | Description |
| state | [cpu_state_T](* | The last saved state of the thread ( -> _context switching_(reference needed)) |
| cpu_time | uint64_t | The amount of cpu time the thread had. (currently the amount of context switches the thread had) |
| stack | void* | The bottom of the threads stack |
| stack_size | uint32_t | The size of the threads stack (in bytes) |
| process | [process_T](* | The process, to which the thread belongs to |
| global_prev | [thread_T](* | The previous thread in the scheduling queue (**should only be accessed by the scheduler!**) |
| global_next | [thread_T](* | The next thread in the scheduling queue (**should only be accessed by the scheduler!**) |
| local_prev | [thread_T](* | The previous thread of _process_ (**should only be accessed by the scheduler!**) |
| local_next | [thread_T](* | The next thread of _process_ (**should only be accessed by the scheduler!**) |
| local_id | uint32_t | The threads id in its process |
# `thread_spawn(function)` - function (thread_T*)
Allocates a [thread_T]( and registers it in the scheduler.
The thread starts execution at **_function_**.
The for the thread allocated stack has a size of 16 KB (4 Pages).
The thread still needs to be started with [thread_start](
Returns a pointer to the created thread.
# `thread_spawn_from_state(state)` - function (thread_T*)
Allocates a [thread_T]( and registers it in the scheduler.
The threads' _cpu_state_ is copied from **_state_**.
This won't allocate a stack for the stack.
The thread still needs to be started with [thread_start](
Returns a pointer to the created thread.
This function should be avoided.
# `thread_start(thread)` - function (void)
Starts/unpauses **_thread_**.
# `thread_pause(thread)` - function (void)
Pauses **_thread_**.
# `thread_kill(thread)` - function (void)
Kills **_thread_**.
The threads stack and [thread_T]( structure will be freed.