# Nerdcult API This repo contains the source and documentation of the nerdcult api. The source can be found in `src` and the docs in `API.md`. ## Running You can run the server with the following command: ``` export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@host/database export SMTP_HOST_URL=smtp.yourmailserver.tld export SMTP_USER=accounts@yourdomain.tld export SMTP_PASSWORD=password ./nerdcult_api ``` ## Implementation Status - `/account` - [X] `/register` - POST - [X] `/verify` - POST - [X] `/authenticate` - POST - [X] `/delete` - DELETE - [X] `/tokens` - DELETE - [X] `/tokens` - GET - [ ] `/follows` - GET - [ ] `/followers` - GET - `/user/{username}` - [ ] `/info` - GET - [ ] `/follow` - POST - [ ] `/follows` - GET - [ ] `/followers` - GET - [ ] `/projects` - GET - `/project` - [ ] `/create` - POST - `/{projectname}` - [ ] `/info` - GET - [ ] `/join` - POST