# API All API endpoints are accessible with this base URL: `https://api.nerdcult.net/`. Some API endpoints require an Authorization HTTP header. The token for this can be aquired using the `/account/authenticate` endpoint. ## Endpoints ### `/account/register` - POST Requests a new nerdcult account. This sends a verification E-Mail which contains a link to the veriication frontend with an verification token as url parameter. This verification link will time out after 10 minutes. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |--------------|--------------------| | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |----------|----------------------------------------| | username | The accounts username / userid. | | password | The password used for authentication. | | email | The email address used for validation. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success The verification request was sent. ##### 400 - Error: Bad Request The request was malformed. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 409 - Error: Conflict The requested username or email is already taken. __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | conflict | Can be `username` or `email`, depending on what caused the conflict. | ##### 422 - Error: Unprocessable Entity Malformed email address. ### `/account/verify` - POST Verifies a requested account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |--------------|--------------------| | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |-------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | token | The verification token you received via an email after requesting the account. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success The account was verified. You can login now. ##### 400 - Error: Bad Request The request was malformed. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Forbidden The provided token is unknown. ### `/account/authenticate` - POST Generates an authentication token for an account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |--------------|--------------------| | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |----------|---------------------------------| | username | The accounts username / userid. | | password | The accounts password. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success The authentication was successfull. __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |-------|------------------------| | token | A unique access token. | ##### 400 - Error: Bad Request The request was malformed. ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided password was wrong. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The provided username was not found. ##### 424 - Error: Failed Dependency The account isn't verified yet. ### `/account/delete` - DELETE Deletes the account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success The account was deleted. ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ### `/account/tokens` - DELETE Deletes a token of the authenticated account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |-------|-----------------------------------| | token | The token that should be deleted. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success The token was deleted. ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The token that should be deleted wasn't found. ### `/account/tokens` - GET Lists all active auth tokens for the account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |--------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | tokens | A list of (token, expiration date) pairs. The expiration date is given as a UTC UNIX timestamp. | ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ### `/account/follows` - GET Lists all acccounts that the authenticated account follows. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------| | accounts | A list of (username, userid) pairs. | ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ### `/account/followers` - GET Lists all acccounts that are following the authenticated account. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------| | accounts | A list of (username, userid) pairs. | ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ### `/user/{username}/info` - GET Returns information about the user. #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | The users unique id. | | name | The users unique username. | | joined | The datetime when the user joined. Represented as UNIX timestamp. | | is_admin | A boolean if the user is an admin. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The user wasn't found. ### `/user/{username}/follow` - POST Let the authenticated account follow the user. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success Successfully followed the user. ##### 208 - Already Reported You already follow the user. ##### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The user wasn't found. ### `/user/{username}/follows` - GET Returns the list of accounts the user is following. #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------| | accounts | A list of (username, userid) pairs. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The user wasn't found. ### `/user/{username}/followers` - GET Returns the list of accounts following the user. #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------| | accounts | A list of (username, userid) pairs. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The user wasn't found. ### `/user/{username}/projects` - GET Returns the list of public projects the user is part of. #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |----------|-------------------------------------------| | projects | A list of (projectname, projectid) pairs. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The user wasn't found. ### `/project/create` - POST Creates a new project. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |-------------|-----------------------------------------------| | name | The name of the project to be created. | | description | The description of the project to be created. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |-------|---------------------------------| | id | The created projects unique id. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 409 - Error: Conflict The requested project name is already taken. ### `/project/{projectname}/info` - GET Returns the list of public projects the user is part of. #### Responses ##### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |-------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | id | The projects unique id. | | name | The projects unique name. | | description | The projects description. | | created | The datetime when the project was created. Represented as UNIX timestamp. | | members | A list of (username, userid) pairs. | ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The project wasn't found. ### `/project/{projectname}/join` - POST Returns the list of public projects the user is part of. #### HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | | Content-Type | `application/json` | #### Content - JSON | Field | Description | |---------|-----------------------------------------------------------| | message | The request message the projects maintainers will review. | #### Responses ##### 200 - Success Your request will be reviewed. ##### 208 - Already Reported You already joined the project. ##### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ##### 404 - Error: Not Found The project wasn't found.