# `/admin/backup/create` - POST Creates a new backup. ## HTTP Headers | Header | Content | |---------------|--------------------| | Authorization | `Bearer {token}` | | Content-Type | `application/json` | ## Content - JSON This json body defines what will be included in the backup. ``` { "all": true / OR / /opt/ "NginxConfig": /opt/ "MailServer": /opt/ "Docker": { /opt/ "Stacks": [] / "all" /opt/ "Images": [] / "all" /opt/ "Volumes": [] / "all" } /opt/ "SslCerts": } ``` ## Responses ### 200 - Success __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |---------|----------------------------------| | backups | A list of (id, timestamp) pairs. | ### 400 - Error: Bad Request The request was malformed. ### 401 - Error: Unauthorized The provided auth token doesn't allow you to perform this operation. ### 403 - Error: Forbidden Blocked for security reasons. ### 404 - Error: Not Found There was a unknown option in the content. __Content - JSON:__ | Field | Description | |---------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | problem | Tells you where the problem is. Example: "docker/stacks/not_existing_stack" |