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#include <librr/types.h>
/// @brief Gets the length of a null-terminated string.
/// @param string A null-terminated string of which to get the length.
/// @return The length of the given string.
usz_t rr_measure_string(const char *string);
/// @brief Compares two strings completely until the end.
/// @param string1 First string to compare.
/// @param string2 Second string to compare. If there's a clear correct way for the
/// first string to be, this should be the correct string to be tested against.
/// @return Whether the two strings' contents are equal.
bool_t rr_strings_equal(const char *string1, const char *string2);
/// @brief Compares two strings up to a maximum given length, returning TRUE if they end
/// before or if they are equal up to the maximum length.
/// @param string1 First string to compare.
/// @param string2 Second string to compare. If there's a clear correct way for the
/// first string to be, this should be the correct string to be tested against.
/// @param max_length How many bytes to test at most; it can be less nonetheless.
/// @return Whether the two strings' contents are equal up to the given length.
bool_t rr_strings_equal_up_to(const char *string1, const char *string2, usz_t max_length);
/// @brief Tests if 'base' starts with 'prefix'.
/// @param base Base string to be tested for starting with 'prefix'.
/// @param prefix The prefix which 'base' should have.
/// @return Whether the string 'base' starts with the string 'prefix'.
bool_t rr_string_is_prefixed(const char *base, const char *prefix);