forked from trinitrix/core
chore(trixy, keymaps): Extract the libraries to their own repository
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
url = "github:edolstra/flake-compat";
flake = false;
flake = false;
crane = {
crane = {
url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
url = "github:ipetkov/crane";
inputs = {
inputs = {
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# build
# lua_macros is a library
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
name = "keymaps"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
default = []
crossterm = ["dep:crossterm"]
crossterm = { version = "0.25", optional = true }
log = "0.4.20"
thiserror = "1.0.50"
pest = "2.7.5"
pest_derive = {version = "2.7.5", features = ["grammar-extras"]}
pretty_assertions = "1.4.0"
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
use std::{fmt::Display, num::ParseIntError};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::key_repr::{key, keys, Keys};
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TrieInsertError<V: Display> {
#[error("The key ('{0}') contains nodes, which already have a value set!")]
#[error("The key ('{key}') already has a value associatet with it, which is: '{value}'")]
KeyAlreadySet { key: Keys, value: V },
#[error("The node accessed by this key ('{0}') already has children! You can not set a value for it")]
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum KeyParseError {
#[error("This key expression could not be parsed, see the error message for more: {0}")]
RawParseError(#[from] pest::error::Error<key::Rule>),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum KeysParseError {
"This chain of key expressions could not be parsed, see the error message for more: {0}"
RawParseError(#[from] pest::error::Error<keys::Rule>),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum KeyValueParseError {
#[error("The String ('{0}') is not a correct special key name!")]
#[error("The number associate with the F key ('{0}') can't be parsed as u8!")]
CantParseFNumber(#[from] ParseIntError),
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum KeyFromCrossterm {
#[error("Can not parse non Key event to a Key code: ('{0:?}')")]
@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
use crossterm::event::{Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyEventKind, KeyEventState, KeyModifiers};
use crate::{error, key_repr::KeyValue};
use super::Key;
impl Into<Event> for Key {
fn into(self) -> Event {
let mut modifiers;
modifiers = KeyModifiers::all();
if !self.alt {
if !self.ctrl {
if !self.meta {
if !self.shift {
if self.alt || self.ctrl || self.meta || self.shift {
let output = Event::Key(KeyEvent {
code: {
if let Some(KeyValue::Char(char)) = self.value {
} else {
kind: KeyEventKind::Press,
state: KeyEventState::NONE,
impl TryFrom<&Event> for Key {
type Error = error::KeyFromCrossterm;
fn try_from(value: &Event) -> std::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let mut output_key: Key = Key::new();
match value {
Event::Key(key_event) => {
let key_mods = key_event.modifiers;
output_key.alt = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::ALT);
output_key.ctrl = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::CONTROL);
output_key.meta = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::META)
|| KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::SUPER);
output_key.shift = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::SHIFT);
// let hyper = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::HYPER);
// let none = KeyModifiers::intersects(&key_mods, KeyModifiers::NONE);
output_key.value = Some(key_event.code.into());
event => Err(error::KeyFromCrossterm::OnlyKey(event.to_owned())),
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
#[cfg(feature = "crossterm")]
mod crossterm;
mod parsing;
use std::fmt::Display;
use pest_derive::Parser;
use super::KeyValue;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy, Default, Parser)]
#[grammar = "./key_repr/key_representation.pest"]
pub struct Key {
// Modifiers
pub(super) alt: bool,
pub(super) ctrl: bool,
pub(super) meta: bool,
pub(super) shift: bool,
pub(super) value: Option<KeyValue>,
impl Key {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn value(&self) -> Option<&KeyValue> {
pub fn to_string_repr(self) -> String {
let mut output = String::new();
if self.alt || self.ctrl || self.meta || self.shift {
if self.alt {
if self.ctrl {
if self.meta {
if self.shift {
if self.alt || self.ctrl || self.meta || self.shift {
.expect("There can be no `None`s here, if the Key comes from the public api")
if self.alt || self.ctrl || self.meta || self.shift {
impl Display for Key {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
use std::{fmt::Debug, hash::Hash, marker, str::FromStr};
use pest::{iterators::Pair, Parser};
use crate::{error, key_repr::{KeyValue, key::Rule}};
use super::Key;
impl Key {
pub fn from_pair<R>(pair: Pair<R>) -> Self
R: marker::Copy + Debug + Hash + Ord,
let pairs = pair.into_inner();
let mut output = Self::default();
let modifiers: Vec<_> = pairs.clone().find_tagged("modifiers").collect();
let values: Vec<_> = pairs.clone().find_tagged("value").collect();
let special_keys: Vec<_> = pairs.find_tagged("special_key").collect();
for modifier in modifiers {
match modifier.as_span().as_str() {
"A" => output.alt = true,
"C" => output.ctrl = true,
"M" => output.meta = true,
"S" => output.shift = true,
_ => unreachable!("This modifier should not have been parsed"),
if values.is_empty() {
// Check that we have parsed *something*
// Check, that we have only parsed one special key
debug_assert_eq!(special_keys.len(), 1);
let special_key_value: KeyValue = special_keys
.expect("This should exist (and be the only value)")
.expect("This was parsed, and should thus be a valid special_key");
output.value = Some(special_key_value);
} else {
// Check, that we have only parsed one key
debug_assert_eq!(values.len(), 1);
let key_str = values.first().expect("This should exist").as_str();
// Check that we really only have a one char &str
debug_assert_eq!(key_str.chars().count(), 1);
let key_value: KeyValue = KeyValue::Char(
.expect("This &str should have a length of exactly one char"),
output.value = Some(key_value);
// pub(super) fn parse_old(chars: &mut Chars) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
// assert_eq!(chars.pop().expect("This is a developer error"), '<');
// let mut parse_buffer: Vec<char> = Vec::new();
// let mut reached_non_modifier = false;
// let mut output_key_filled = false;
// let mut output_key = Key::new();
// while let Some(char) = chars.pop() {
// if char == '>' {
// break;
// } else {
// if char.is_ascii_uppercase()
// || char.is_numeric() && !reached_non_modifier && !output_key_filled
// {
// parse_buffer.push(char);
// } else if char == '-' && !reached_non_modifier && !output_key_filled {
// // We moved to the modified char
// reached_non_modifier = true;
// // Our parse_buffer should only contain modifiers:
// let mut alt = false;
// let mut ctrl = false;
// let mut meta = false;
// let mut shift = false;
// for char in &parse_buffer {
// match char {
// 'A' => alt = true,
// 'C' => ctrl = true,
// 'M' => meta = true,
// 'S' => shift = true,
// char => bail!(
// "The char ('{}') is not a valid descriptor of a modifier",
// char
// ),
// }
// }
// output_key = Key {
// alt,
// ctrl,
// meta,
// shift,
// value: None,
// };
// } else if reached_non_modifier && !output_key_filled {
// if char == '<' {
// chars.prepend('<');
// let key = Key::parse(chars)?;
// output_key = output_key.merge_with(key);
// } else {
// output_key.value = Some(KeyValue::Char(char));
// }
// output_key_filled = true;
// } else {
// bail!(
// "Your can not put a this char here!
// parse_buffer: '{}';
// char: '{}';
// chars: '{:#?}';
// output_key: '{:#?}' ",
// &parse_buffer.iter().collect::<String>(),
// &char,
// &chars,
// &output_key
// )
// }
// }
// }
// if output_key_filled {
// Ok(output_key)
// } else {
// let mut parse_buffer = Chars(parse_buffer.into());
// let get_output = |value: KeyValue| -> Key {
// let key = Key {
// alt: false,
// ctrl: false,
// meta: false,
// shift: false,
// value: Some(value),
// };
// return key.merge_with(output_key);
// };
// if let Some(char) = parse_buffer.peek() {
// if char == &'F' {
// let _f = parse_buffer.pop();
// let number: u8 = parse_buffer.to_string().parse().with_context(|| {
// format!("Failed to parse buffer ('{}') as u8", &parse_buffer)
// })?;
// Ok(get_output(KeyValue::F(number)))
// } else {
// match &parse_buffer.to_string()[..] {
// "BACKSPACE" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Backspace)),
// "ENTER" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Enter)),
// "LEFT" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Left)),
// "RIGHT" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Right)),
// "UP" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Up)),
// "DOWN" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Down)),
// "HOME" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Home)),
// "END" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::End)),
// "PAGEUP" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::PageUp)),
// "PAGEDOWN" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::PageDown)),
// "TAB" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Tab)),
// "BACKTAB" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::BackTab)),
// "DELETE" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Delete)),
// "INSERT" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Insert)),
// "ESC" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Esc)),
// "CAPSLOCK" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::CapsLock)),
// "SCROLLlOCK" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::ScrollLock)),
// "NUMLOCK" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::NumLock)),
// "PRINTSCREEN" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::PrintScreen)),
// "PAUSE" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Pause)),
// "MENU" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Menu)),
// "KEYPADBEGIN" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::KeypadBegin)),
// "DASH" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Char('-'))),
// "ANGULAR_BRACKET_OPEN" | "ABO" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Char('<'))),
// "ANGULAR_BRACKET_CLOSE" | "ABC" => Ok(get_output(KeyValue::Char('>'))),
// other_str => bail!(
// "The String ('{}') is not a correct special key name!",
// other_str
// ),
// }
// }
// } else {
// bail!(
// "You need to put something into the angulare brackets (<>)
// parse_buffer: '{}';
// chars: '{:#?}';",
// &parse_buffer,
// &chars,
// )
// }
// }
// }
impl FromStr for Key {
type Err = error::KeyParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut key_pairs: Vec<_> = Self::parse(Rule::key, s)?.find_tagged("key").collect();
debug_assert_eq!(key_pairs.len(), 1);
let key: Key = Self::from_pair::<Rule>(
.expect("This should contain only this first (and last) element"),
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
angular_bracket_open = _{ "<" }
abo = _{ angular_bracket_open }
angular_bracket_close = _{ ">" }
abc = _{ angular_bracket_close }
special_key = {
| "LEFT"
| "UP"
| "DOWN"
| "HOME"
| "END"
| "TAB"
| "ESC"
| "MENU"
| ("F" ~ ASCII_DIGIT+)
// Aliases to make using them easier, as they are also used in the notation
| "DASH"
| "ABO"
| "ABC"
modifier = {
"A" | // Alt
"C" | // Ctrl
"M" | // Meta
"S" // Shift
value = {
!abo ~ ANY
raw_key = {
((abo ~ (#modifiers = modifier)+ ~ "-" ~ (#special_key = (abo ~ special_key ~ abc) | #value = value) ~ abc) | #special_key = (abo ~ special_key ~ abc) | #value = value)
// api
key = {
SOI ~ #key = raw_key ~ EOI
keys = {
SOI ~ (#keys = raw_key)+ ~ EOI
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
use crossterm::event::KeyCode;
use super::KeyValue;
impl From<KeyCode> for KeyValue {
fn from(value: KeyCode) -> Self {
match value {
KeyCode::Backspace => Self::Backspace,
KeyCode::Enter => Self::Enter,
KeyCode::Left => Self::Left,
KeyCode::Right => Self::Right,
KeyCode::Up => Self::Up,
KeyCode::Down => Self::Down,
KeyCode::Home => Self::Home,
KeyCode::End => Self::End,
KeyCode::PageUp => Self::PageUp,
KeyCode::PageDown => Self::PageDown,
KeyCode::Tab => Self::Tab,
KeyCode::BackTab => Self::BackTab,
KeyCode::Delete => Self::Delete,
KeyCode::Insert => Self::Insert,
KeyCode::F(n) => Self::F(n),
KeyCode::Char(c) => Self::Char(c),
KeyCode::Null => Self::Null,
KeyCode::Esc => Self::Esc,
KeyCode::CapsLock => Self::CapsLock,
KeyCode::ScrollLock => Self::ScrollLock,
KeyCode::NumLock => Self::NumLock,
KeyCode::PrintScreen => Self::PrintScreen,
KeyCode::Pause => Self::Pause,
KeyCode::Menu => Self::Menu,
KeyCode::KeypadBegin => Self::KeypadBegin,
// FIXME(@soispha): This reduces our information, casting a KeyCode to a KeyValue
// and back again would not equal the original KeyCode <2023-10-15>
KeyCode::Media(_) => Self::Null,
KeyCode::Modifier(_) => Self::Null,
impl Into<KeyCode> for KeyValue {
fn into(self) -> KeyCode {
match self {
Self::Backspace => KeyCode::Backspace,
Self::Enter => KeyCode::Enter,
Self::Left => KeyCode::Left,
Self::Right => KeyCode::Right,
Self::Up => KeyCode::Up,
Self::Down => KeyCode::Down,
Self::Home => KeyCode::Home,
Self::End => KeyCode::End,
Self::PageUp => KeyCode::PageUp,
Self::PageDown => KeyCode::PageDown,
Self::Tab => KeyCode::Tab,
Self::BackTab => KeyCode::BackTab,
Self::Delete => KeyCode::Delete,
Self::Insert => KeyCode::Insert,
Self::F(n) => KeyCode::F(n),
Self::Char(c) => KeyCode::Char(c),
Self::Null => KeyCode::Null,
Self::Esc => KeyCode::Esc,
Self::CapsLock => KeyCode::CapsLock,
Self::ScrollLock => KeyCode::ScrollLock,
Self::NumLock => KeyCode::NumLock,
Self::PrintScreen => KeyCode::PrintScreen,
Self::Pause => KeyCode::Pause,
Self::Menu => KeyCode::Menu,
Self::KeypadBegin => KeyCode::KeypadBegin,
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
#[cfg(feature = "crossterm")]
mod crossterm;
use std::{
fmt::{Display, Write},
use crate::error;
// taken directly from crossterm
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum KeyValue {
Null, // TODO(@soispha): Should we keep this key (as it's effectively not a key)?<2023-10-15>
// TODO(@soispha): We could add support for these: <2023-10-15>
// Media(MediaKeyCode),
impl FromStr for KeyValue {
type Err = error::KeyValueParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
match s {
"BACKSPACE" => Ok(Self::Backspace),
"ENTER" => Ok(Self::Enter),
"LEFT" => Ok(Self::Left),
"RIGHT" => Ok(Self::Right),
"UP" => Ok(Self::Up),
"DOWN" => Ok(Self::Down),
"HOME" => Ok(Self::Home),
"END" => Ok(Self::End),
"PAGEUP" => Ok(Self::PageUp),
"PAGEDOWN" => Ok(Self::PageDown),
"TAB" => Ok(Self::Tab),
"BACKTAB" => Ok(Self::BackTab),
"DELETE" => Ok(Self::Delete),
"INSERT" => Ok(Self::Insert),
"ESC" => Ok(Self::Esc),
"CAPSLOCK" => Ok(Self::CapsLock),
"SCROLLlOCK" => Ok(Self::ScrollLock),
"NUMLOCK" => Ok(Self::NumLock),
"PRINTSCREEN" => Ok(Self::PrintScreen),
"PAUSE" => Ok(Self::Pause),
"MENU" => Ok(Self::Menu),
"KEYPADBEGIN" => Ok(Self::KeypadBegin),
// FIXME(@soispha): This should check the full string, as something
// like 'FA12' would also match this case <2023-11-07>
if f_str.starts_with('F')
&& f_str.ends_with(['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']) =>
"DASH" => Ok(Self::Char('-')),
"ANGULAR_BRACKET_OPEN" | "ABO" => Ok(Self::Char('<')),
"ANGULAR_BRACKET_CLOSE" | "ABC" => Ok(Self::Char('>')),
other_str => Err(Self::Err::NoMatch(other_str.to_owned())),
impl Display for KeyValue {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let mut w = |str| f.write_str(str);
match self {
KeyValue::Backspace => w("<BACKSPACE>"),
KeyValue::Enter => w("<ENTER>"),
KeyValue::Left => w("<LEFT>"),
KeyValue::Right => w("<RIGHT>"),
KeyValue::Up => w("<UP>"),
KeyValue::Down => w("<DOWN>"),
KeyValue::Home => w("<HOME>"),
KeyValue::End => w("<END>"),
KeyValue::PageUp => w("<PAGEUP>"),
KeyValue::PageDown => w("<PAGEDOWN>"),
KeyValue::Tab => w("<TAB>"),
KeyValue::BackTab => w("<BACKTAB>"),
KeyValue::Delete => w("<DELETE>"),
KeyValue::Insert => w("<INSERT>"),
KeyValue::F(n) => f.write_fmt(format_args!("<F{}>", n)),
KeyValue::Char(c) => match c {
'-' => w("<DASH>"),
c => f.write_char(*c),
KeyValue::Null => w("<NULL>"),
KeyValue::Esc => w("<ESC>"),
KeyValue::CapsLock => w("<CAPSLOCK>"),
KeyValue::ScrollLock => w("<SCROLLLOCK>"),
KeyValue::NumLock => w("<NUMLOCK>"),
KeyValue::PrintScreen => w("<PRINTSCREEN>"),
KeyValue::Pause => w("<PAUSE>"),
KeyValue::Menu => w("<MENU>"),
KeyValue::KeypadBegin => w("<KEYPADBEGIN>"),
@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
use pest::Parser;
use pest_derive::Parser;
use crate::error;
use super::Key;
use std::{fmt::Display, str::FromStr};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Clone, Default, Parser)]
#[grammar = "./key_repr/key_representation.pest"]
pub struct Keys(pub(super) Vec<Key>);
impl Keys {
pub fn new(initial_value: Key) -> Self {
pub fn join(&self, key: Key) -> Keys {
let mut output = self.0.clone();
pub struct KeysIter {
keys: Keys,
index: usize,
pub struct KeysIterB<'a> {
keys: &'a Keys,
index: usize,
impl IntoIterator for Keys {
type Item = Key;
type IntoIter = KeysIter;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
KeysIter {
keys: self,
index: 0,
impl Iterator for KeysIter {
type Item = Key;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let output = if self.keys.0.len() <= self.index {
} else {
self.index += 1;
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a Keys {
type Item = &'a Key;
type IntoIter = KeysIterB<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
KeysIterB {
keys: self,
index: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for KeysIterB<'a> {
type Item = &'a Key;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let output = self.keys.0.get(self.index);
self.index += 1;
impl Display for Keys {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.map(|key| key.to_string_repr())
impl FromStr for Keys {
type Err = error::KeysParseError;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let mut output: Vec<Key> = vec![];
let parsed = Self::parse(Rule::keys, s)?;
let keys: Vec<_> = parsed.find_tagged("keys").collect();
for key in keys {
let output_key: Key = Key::from_pair(key);
// let mut chars = Chars(s.chars().collect());
// while let Some(char) = chars.pop() {
// match char {
// '<' => {
// chars.prepend('<');
// let key = Key::parse(&mut chars)
// .with_context(|| format!("Failed to parse keymapping ('{}')", &chars))?;
// output.push(key)
// }
// other_char => output.push(Key {
// alt: false,
// ctrl: false,
// meta: false,
// shift: false,
// value: Some(KeyValue::Char(other_char)),
// }),
// }
// }
@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
pub mod key;
pub mod key_value;
pub mod keys;
pub use key::Key;
pub use key_value::*;
pub use keys::Keys;
mod test {
use crate::key_repr::{Key, KeyValue};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use super::Keys;
// "<C-a>ba" => "Ctrl+a" && "b" && "a"
// "<S-a>" => "A" || "Shift+a"
// "A" => "A"
// "<M-a> " => "Alt+a" || "Super+a"
// "a<C-b><C-a>" => "a" && "Ctrl+b" && "Ctrl+a"
// "<CSM-b>" => "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+b"
// "a " => "a" && " "
// "å🙂" => "å" && "🙂"
// "<ESC>" => escape key
// "<BACKSPACE>" => backspace key (and so forth)
// "<DASH>" => "-"
// "<ANGULAR_BRACKET_OPEN>" || "<ABO>" => "<"
// "<ANGULAR_BRACKET_CLOSE>" || "<ABC>" => ">"
fn test_simple() {
let keys: Keys = "<C-a>".parse().unwrap();
Keys(vec![Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: true,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('a'))
fn test_shift_a() {
let keys: Keys = "<S-a>".parse().unwrap();
Keys(vec![Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: true,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('a'))
fn test_string_repr() {
let key = Key {
alt: true,
ctrl: false,
meta: true,
shift: true,
value: Some(KeyValue::Up),
assert_eq!("<AMS-<UP>>".to_owned(), key.to_string_repr());
fn test_string_repr_special() {
let key = Key {
alt: true,
ctrl: false,
meta: true,
shift: true,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('<')),
fn test_extra_special_keys() {
// The <C--> part works! Although we should probably not encourage it
let keys: Keys = "<C--><C-<DASH>><A-<ABO>><ABC>".parse().unwrap();
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: true,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('-'))
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: true,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('-'))
Key {
alt: true,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('<'))
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('>'))
fn test_false_pattern() {
let keys: Result<Keys, _> = "<c->".parse();
fn test_f_keys() {
let key: Key = "<C-<F255>>".parse().unwrap();
let expected = Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: true,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::F(255)),
assert_eq!(key, expected);
fn test_complex() {
let keys: Keys = "<C-a><ACMS-<ESC>>a 🙂"
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("{}", e));
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: true,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('a'))
Key {
alt: true,
ctrl: true,
meta: true,
shift: true,
value: Some(KeyValue::Esc)
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('a'))
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char(' '))
Key {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
meta: false,
shift: false,
value: Some(KeyValue::Char('🙂'))
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
pub mod key_repr;
pub mod trie;
pub mod error;
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use log::info;
use crate::error;
use super::key_repr::{Key, Keys};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Node<V: std::fmt::Display + ToOwned<Owned = V>> {
children: HashMap<Key, Box<Node<V>>>,
value: Option<V>,
is_terminal: bool,
is_child: bool,
impl<V: std::fmt::Display + ToOwned<Owned = V>> Default for Node<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<V: std::fmt::Display + ToOwned<Owned = V>> Node<V> {
pub fn new() -> Node<V> {
Node {
children: HashMap::new(),
is_terminal: true,
is_child: false,
value: None,
pub fn new_child() -> Node<V> {
Node {
children: HashMap::new(),
is_terminal: true,
is_child: true,
value: None,
pub fn is_terminal(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_child(&self) -> bool {
/// Get a reference to a child value of this node by key, will return None if the key does not exist.
/// If the key does exists, but does not have any values associated with it, it will return an
/// empty vector
/// The boolean denotes if the returned node is a true end or just a waypoint. It should be
/// called, when the bool is true
pub fn get(&self, keys: &Keys) -> Option<(Vec<&Node<V>>, bool)> {
let mut current_node = self;
let mut old_node = None;
for char in keys {
// r
// |
// a
// / \
// b a
// |
// c
// r->a->a: Some([a]) -> a.is_child() && a.is_terminal() ? call a : *key input pending*
// r->a->b: Some([b]) -> b.is_child() && b.is_terminal() ? *call b* : key input pending
// r->a->c: None -> continue
// r->a->a->c: Some([c]) -> c.is_child() && c.is_terminal() ? *call c* : key input pending
// r->a: Some([a, b]) -> key input pending
if let Some(node) = current_node.children.get(char) {
old_node = Some((current_node, char));
current_node = node;
} else {
return None;
if current_node.is_child() && current_node.is_terminal() {
let (on, char) = old_node.expect("At this point, this should be Some");
info!("Returning calling node for char: '{}'", char);
.expect("This should be some, as this was checked above")],
} else {
current_node.children.values().map(|a| a.as_ref()).collect(),
/// Insert a key value pair into the trie. The key is supplied as a string to facilitate the
/// creation of nested nodes.
pub fn insert(&mut self, keys: &Keys, value: V) -> Result<(), error::TrieInsertError<V>> {
let mut current_node = self;
for char in keys {
let child_node = current_node
if current_node.value.is_some() {
return Err(error::TrieInsertError::KeyPathBlocked(keys.to_owned()));
current_node.is_terminal = false;
current_node = child_node
if current_node.value.is_some() {
return Err(error::TrieInsertError::KeyAlreadySet {
key: keys.to_owned(),
value: current_node
.expect("This should be set")
} else if !current_node.children.is_empty() {
return Err(error::TrieInsertError::NodeHasChildren(keys.to_owned()));
} else {
current_node.value = Some(value);
/// Return the values from this node. If the node does not have a value associated with it,
/// return None
pub fn value(&self) -> Option<&V> {
/// Collect all values from this nodes children. Can be called recursively as it should be
/// tail-recursive.
pub fn collect_values_all(&self) -> Vec<&V> {
if self.is_terminal && self.is_child {
vec![self.value.as_ref().expect("We checked above")]
} else {
let out: Vec<_> = self
.flat_map(|node| node.collect_values_all())
mod test {
use crate::key_repr::{Key, Keys};
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use super::Node;
fn i(str: &str) -> Keys {
fn k(str: &str) -> Key {
fn collect<V: std::fmt::Display + ToOwned<Owned = V>>(
nodes: Option<(Vec<&Node<V>>, bool)>,
) -> Vec<&V> {
let (nodes, _should_call) = nodes.unwrap();
.map(|node| node.value())
.filter_map(|x| x)
fn test_empty_values() {
let trie: Node<bool> = Node::new();
assert_eq!(trie.collect_values_all(), Vec::<&bool>::new());
fn test_insert() {
let mut trie: Node<bool> = Node::new();
trie.insert(&i("abc"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("abd"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("aca"), false).unwrap();
let output: Vec<&bool> = vec![&true, &true];
let get_output: Vec<_> = collect(trie.get(&i("ab")));
assert_eq!(get_output, output);
fn test_duplicate_insert() {
let mut trie: Node<bool> = Node::new();
trie.insert(&i("abc"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("aca"), true).unwrap();
let output = trie.insert(&i("ab"), false);
fn test_multiple_get() {
// | | | | |
// a <- Input 1st a | q | i
// / \ | |
// b a <- Input 2nd a | |
// / \ | |
// d e
let mut trie: Node<bool> = Node::new();
let mut output: Node<bool> = Node::new();
trie.insert(&i("aa"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("abe"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("abd"), true).unwrap();
output.insert(&i("abd"), true).unwrap();
output.insert(&i("abe"), true).unwrap();
output.insert(&i("aa"), true).unwrap();
output.insert(&i("acd"), true).unwrap();
output.insert(&i("ace"), true).unwrap();
let a_children = &output.children.get(&k("a")).unwrap();
let output_nodes = vec![
let (nodes, _should_call) = trie.get(&i("a")).unwrap();
assert_eq!(nodes, output_nodes);
fn test_wrong_get() {
let mut trie: Node<bool> = Node::new();
trie.insert(&i("abc"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("abd"), true).unwrap();
trie.insert(&i("aca"), false).unwrap();
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# build
# lua_macros is a library
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
name = "trixy"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
proc-macro = true
convert_case = "0.6.0"
proc-macro2 = "1.0.70"
quote = "1.0.33"
syn = { version = "2.0.41", features = ["extra-traits", "full", "parsing"] }
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
//! This module is responsible for parsing the config passed to the macro call:
//! For example:
//! ```no_run
//! trixy_generate! {
//! path: ./trintrix_command_interface.tri
//! languages: rust, lua, c
//! }
//! ```
use std::path::PathBuf;
use proc_macro2::Ident;
use syn::{parse::Parse, punctuated::Punctuated, LitStr, Result, Token};
mod kw {
pub enum Language {
struct Languages {
languages: kw::languages,
colon: Token![:],
raw: Punctuated<Language, Token![,]>,
struct Path {
path: kw::path,
colon: Token![:],
raw: PathBuf,
pub struct TrixyConfig {
/// The Path to the base command interface config file
path: Path,
/// The languages the commands should be exposed in
languages: Languages,
impl TrixyConfig {
pub fn get_path(&self) -> PathBuf {
impl Parse for TrixyConfig {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
path: input.parse()?,
languages: input.parse()?,
impl Parse for Path {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let path: kw::path = input.parse()?;
let colon: Token![:] = input.parse()?;
let raw = PathBuf::from(input.parse::<LitStr>()?.value());
Ok(Self { path, colon, raw })
impl Parse for Languages {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::Result<Self> {
let languages: kw::languages = input.parse()?;
let colon: Token![:] = input.parse()?;
let raw = Punctuated::<Language, Token![,]>::parse_separated_nonempty(input)?;
Ok(Self {
impl Parse for Language {
fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> Result<Self> {
let ident: Ident = input.parse()?;
match &ident.to_string()[..] {
"rust" | "Rust" => Ok(Self::Rust),
"lua" | "Lua" => Ok(Self::Lua),
"c" | "C" => Ok(Self::C),
other => Err(input.error(format!(
"The language: `{}` is not a registered language!",
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
use convert_case::{Case, Casing};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::{format_ident, quote, ToTokens};
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, Ident, Token, Type};
use crate::{DataCommandEnum, command_enum_parsing::Field};
use super::get_input_type_of_bare_fn_field;
pub fn command_enum(input: &DataCommandEnum) -> TokenStream2 {
let (fields, namespace_enums): (TokenStream2, TokenStream2) =
quote! {
pub enum Command {
fn turn_fields_to_enum(fields: &Punctuated<Field, Token![,]>) -> (TokenStream2, TokenStream2) {
let output: Vec<_> = fields
.map(|field| turn_struct_field_to_enum(field))
let mut fields_output: TokenStream2 = Default::default();
let mut namespace_enums_output: TokenStream2 = Default::default();
for (fields, namespace_enum) in output {
(fields_output, namespace_enums_output)
fn turn_struct_field_to_enum(field: &Field) -> (TokenStream2, TokenStream2) {
match field {
Field::Function(fun_field) => {
let field_name = format_ident!(
let input_type: Option<Type> = get_input_type_of_bare_fn_field(fun_field);
match input_type {
Some(input_type) => (
quote! {
quote! {},
None => (
quote! {
quote! {},
Field::Namespace(namespace) => {
let (namespace_output_fields, namespace_output_namespace_enums) =
let namespace_name: Ident = format_ident!(
.map(|name| name.to_string())
let new_namespace_name: Ident = format_ident!(
quote! {
quote! {
pub enum #new_namespace_name {
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::{format_ident, quote};
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, Token};
use crate::{
command_enum_parsing::{Field, NamespacePath, FunctionDeclaration},
pub fn generate_add_lua_functions_to_globals(input: &DataCommandEnum) -> TokenStream2 {
fn turn_field_to_functions(
input: &Punctuated<Field, Token![,]>,
namespace_path: Option<&NamespacePath>,
) -> TokenStream2 {
.map(|field| match field {
Field::Function(function) => generate_function_adder(function, namespace_path),
Field::Namespace(namespace) => {
let mut passed_namespace =
.for_each(|val| passed_namespace.push(val));
turn_field_to_functions(&namespace.fields, Some(&passed_namespace))
let function_adders: TokenStream2 = turn_field_to_functions(&input.fields, None);
quote! {
pub fn add_lua_functions_to_globals(
lua: mlua::Lua,
tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>,
) -> mlua::Lua {
let globals = lua.globals();
fn generate_function_adder(
field: &FunctionDeclaration,
namespace_path: Option<&NamespacePath>,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let field_ident = &;
let function_ident = format_ident!("wrapped_lua_function_{}", field_ident);
let function_name = field_ident.to_string();
let setter = if let Some(namespace_path) = namespace_path {
// ```lua
// local globals = {
// ns1: {
// ns_value,
// ns_value2,
// },
// ns2: {
// ns_value3,
// }
// }
// ns1.ns_value
// ```
let mut counter = 0;
let namespace_table_gen: TokenStream2 = namespace_path.iter().map(|path| {
let path = path.to_string();
counter += 1;
let mut set_function: TokenStream2 = Default::default();
if counter == namespace_path.len() {
set_function = quote! {
table.set(#function_name, #function_ident).expect(
"Setting a static global value should work"
quote! {
let table: mlua::Table = {
if table.contains_key(#path).expect("This check should work") {
let table2 = table.get(#path).expect("This was already checked");
} else {
table.set(#path, lua.create_table().expect("This should also always work")).expect("Setting this value should work");
table.get(#path).expect("This was set, just above")
quote! {
let table = &globals;
} else {
quote! {
globals.set(#function_name, #function_ident).expect(
"Setting a static global value should work"
quote! {
let #function_ident = lua.create_async_function(#field_ident).expect(
"The function: `{}` should be defined",
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use crate::{
mod lua_functions_to_globals;
mod rust_wrapper_functions;
pub fn lua_wrapper(input: &DataCommandEnum) -> TokenStream2 {
let add_lua_functions_to_globals = generate_add_lua_functions_to_globals(input);
let rust_wrapper_functions = generate_rust_wrapper_functions(None, input);
quote! {
@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
use convert_case::{Case, Casing};
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{punctuated::Punctuated, token::Comma, GenericArgument, Lifetime, Token, Type};
use crate::{
command_enum_parsing::{Field, FunctionDeclaration, NamespacePath},
generate::{get_input_type_of_bare_fn_field, get_return_type_of_bare_fn_field},
pub fn generate_rust_wrapper_functions(
namespace: Option<&NamespacePath>,
input: &DataCommandEnum,
) -> TokenStream2 {
generate_rust_wrapper_functions_rec(namespace, &input.fields)
pub fn generate_rust_wrapper_functions_rec(
namespace: Option<&NamespacePath>,
input: &Punctuated<Field, Token![,]>,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let wrapped_functions: TokenStream2 = input
.map(|field| match field {
Field::Function(fun_field) => {
wrap_lua_function(namespace.unwrap_or(&Default::default()), fun_field)
Field::Namespace(nasp) => {
let mut passed_namespace = namespace.unwrap_or(&Default::default()).clone();
.for_each(|val| passed_namespace.push(val));
generate_rust_wrapper_functions_rec(Some(&passed_namespace), &nasp.fields)
quote! {
fn wrap_lua_function(namespace: &NamespacePath, field: &FunctionDeclaration) -> TokenStream2 {
let input_type = get_input_type_of_bare_fn_field(field);
let return_type = get_return_type_of_bare_fn_field(field);
let function_name = &;
let function_body = get_function_body(&namespace, field, input_type.is_some(), &return_type);
let lifetime_args =
get_and_add_lifetimes_form_inputs_and_outputs(input_type.clone(), return_type);
let input_type = input_type
.unwrap_or(syn::parse(quote! {()}.into()).expect("This is static, it always works"));
quote! {
async fn #function_name <#lifetime_args>(
lua: &mlua::Lua,
input: #input_type
) -> Result<mlua::Value, mlua::Error> {
fn get_and_add_lifetimes_form_inputs_and_outputs<'a>(
input_type: Option<syn::Type>,
return_type: Option<syn::Type>,
) -> Punctuated<Lifetime, Comma> {
fn get_lifetime_args_from_type<'a>(return_type: syn::Type) -> Option<Vec<Lifetime>> {
match return_type {
syn::Type::Path(path) => {
let args_to_final_path_segment = &path
.expect("The path should have a last segment")
match args_to_final_path_segment {
syn::PathArguments::None =>
/* We ignore this case */
syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(angle) => {
let lifetime_args: Vec<_> = angle
.filter_map(|arg| {
if let GenericArgument::Lifetime(lifetime) = arg {
} else {
return Some(lifetime_args);
syn::PathArguments::Parenthesized(_) => todo!("Parenthesized Life time"),
syn::Type::Tuple(_) => {
// TODO(@soispha): I don't really know if tuples can have lifetimes, but let's just
// ignore them for now <2023-10-14>
dbg!("Ignoring tuple lifetime!");
non_path => todo!("Non path lifetime: {:#?}", non_path),
let mut output: Punctuated<Lifetime, Comma> = Punctuated::new();
if let Some(input_type) = input_type {
let lifetime_args = get_lifetime_args_from_type(input_type).unwrap_or(vec![]);
lifetime_args.into_iter().for_each(|arg| output.push(arg));
if let Some(return_type) = return_type {
let lifetime_args = get_lifetime_args_from_type(return_type).unwrap_or(vec![]);
lifetime_args.into_iter().for_each(|arg| output.push(arg));
fn get_function_body(
namespace: &NamespacePath,
field: &FunctionDeclaration,
has_input: bool,
output_type: &Option<Type>,
) -> TokenStream2 {
let command_name = field
let command_ident = {
if has_input {
format!("{}(", command_name)
} else {
let command_namespace: String = {
.map(|path| {
let path_enum_name: String = path
path_enum_name.clone() + "(" + &path_enum_name + "::"
let send_output: TokenStream2 = {
let finishing_brackets = {
if has_input {
let mut output = "input.clone()".to_owned();
output.push_str(&(0..namespace.len()).map(|_| ')').collect::<String>());
} else {
(0..namespace.len()).map(|_| ')').collect::<String>()
("Event::CommandEvent( Command::".to_owned()
+ &command_namespace
+ &command_ident
+ &finishing_brackets
+ {if has_input {")"} else {""}} /* Needed as command_name opens one */
+ ",Some(callback_tx))")
.expect("This code should be valid")
let function_return = if let Some(_) = output_type {
quote! {
return Ok(output.into_lua(lua).expect("This conversion should always work"));
} else {
quote! {
return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil);
let does_function_expect_output = if output_type.is_some() {
quote! {
// We didn't receive output but expected output. Raise an error to notify the lua code
// about it.
return Err(mlua::Error::ExternalError(std::sync::Arc::new(
} else {
quote! {
// We didn't receive output and didn't expect output. Everything went well!
return Ok(mlua::Value::Nil);
quote! {
let (callback_tx, callback_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<CommandTransferValue>();
let tx: mlua::AppDataRef<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>> =
lua.app_data_ref().expect("This should exist, it was set before");
.expect("This should work, as the receiver is not dropped");
cli_log::info!("Sent CommandEvent: `{}`", #command_name);
match callback_rx.await {
Ok(output) => {
"Lua function: `{}` returned output to lua: `{}`", #command_name, &output
Err(err) => {
@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
mod command_enum;
mod lua_wrapper;
pub use command_enum::command_enum;
pub use lua_wrapper::lua_wrapper;
use syn::{ReturnType, Type, TypeBareFn};
use crate::command_enum_parsing::FunctionDeclaration;
pub fn get_bare_fn_input_type(function: &TypeBareFn) -> Option<Type> {
if function.inputs.len() == 1 {
.expect("Only one element exists, we checked the length above")
} else if function.inputs.len() == 0 {
// No inputs, so we can't return a type
} else {
"The Function can only take one or zero arguments.
Use a tuple `(arg1, arg2)` if you want more"
pub fn get_input_type_of_bare_fn_field(field: &FunctionDeclaration) -> Option<Type> {
match &field.ty {
syn::Type::BareFn(function) => get_bare_fn_input_type(&function),
_ => unimplemented!(
"Please specify the type as a bare fn type.
That is: `fn(<args>) -> <outputs>`"
pub fn get_return_type_of_bare_fn_field(field: &FunctionDeclaration) -> Option<Type> {
match &field.ty {
syn::Type::BareFn(function) => get_bare_fn_return_type(&function),
_ => unimplemented!(
"Please specify the type as a bare fn type.
That is: `fn(<args>) -> <outputs>`"
pub fn get_bare_fn_return_type(function: &TypeBareFn) -> Option<Type> {
let return_path: &ReturnType = &function.output;
match return_path {
ReturnType::Default => None,
ReturnType::Type(_, return_type) => Some(*return_type.to_owned()),
@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
use command_enum_parsing::DataCommandEnum;
use config::TrixyConfig;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream as TokenStream2;
use quote::quote;
use syn::parse_macro_input;
use crate::trixy_lang::parse_trixy_lang;
mod command_enum_parsing;
mod config;
mod generate;
mod trixy_lang;
/// This is the heart of the command api
/// It mainly does two things:
/// - Generate a command enum
/// - Wrap the enum in all supported languages (only lua for now)
/// - Generate wrapper lua function for each command
/// - Generate a `add_lua_functions_to_globals` function, which adds
/// the rust wrapper functions to the lua globals.
/// The input and output values of the wrapped functions are derived from the values specified in
/// the input to the `parse_command_enum` proc macro.
/// For example this rust code:
/// ```no_run
/// parse_command_enum! {
/// /// Greets the user
/// greet: fn(String) -> String,
/// }
/// ```
/// results in this expanded code:
/// ```no_run
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// pub enum Command {
/// Greet(String),
/// }
/// pub fn add_lua_functions_to_globals(
/// lua: mlua::Lua,
/// tx: tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>,
/// ) -> mlua::Lua {
/// lua.set_app_data(tx);
/// let globals = lua.globals();
/// {
/// let wrapped_lua_function_greet = lua
/// .create_async_function(greet)
/// .expect(
/// format!(
/// "The function: `{}` should be defined",
/// "greet",
/// )
/// );
/// globals
/// .set("greet", wrapped_lua_function_greet)
/// .expect("Setting a static global value should work");
/// }
/// drop(globals);
/// lua
/// }
/// async fn greet(lua: &mlua::Lua, input: String) -> Result<String, mlua::Error> {
/// let (callback_tx, callback_rx) = tokio::sync::oneshot::channel::<String>();
/// let tx: core::cell::Ref<tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Event>> = lua
/// .app_data_ref()
/// .expect("This should exist, it was set before");
/// (*tx)
/// .send(Event::CommandEvent(Command::Greet(input.clone()), Some(callback_tx)))
/// .await
/// .expect("This should work, as the receiver is not dropped");
/// match callback_rx.await {
/// Ok(output) => {
/// return Ok(output);
/// }
/// Err(err) => {
/// return Err(mlua::Error::ExternalError(std::sync::Arc::new(err)));
/// }
/// };
/// }
/// ```
pub fn trixy_generate(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as TrixyConfig);
let trixy_code = parse_trixy_lang(input.get_path());
// // Build the language wrappers
// let lua_wrapper: TokenStream2 = generate::lua_wrapper(&input);
// // Build the final enum
// let command_enum = generate::command_enum(&input);
// let output = quote! {
// #command_enum
// #lua_wrapper
// };
// output.into()
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# build
# This crate is a library
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
name = "trixy-lang_parser"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
# See more keys and their definitions at
clap = { version = "4.4.11", features = ["derive"] }
pretty_assertions = "1.4.0"
thiserror = "1.0.50"
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# trixy-lang_parser
This crate contains a parser (and lexer) for the Trixy language.
The corresponding grammar is in the grammar file [here](./docs/grammar.ebnf) encoded in [Extended Backus-Naur Form](
## Docs
Run `./generate_docs` to turn the grammar file into railroad diagrams.
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
# (*
# Trixy is fully whitespace independent, this means that you can
# interleave whitespace in the definitions.
# The same applies to comments:
# - Line comments (`// \n`) and
# - Block comments (`/* */`).
# *)
CommandSpec = {Function | Namespace | Enumeration | Structure } ;
Function = {DocComment} "fn" Identifier "(" [NamedType {"," NamedType }] ")" [ "->" Type ] ";" ;
Namespace = {DocComment} "nasp" Identifier "{" {Function | Namespace | Enumeration | Structure} "}" ;
Structure = {DocComment} "struct" Identifier "{" [DocNamedType {"," DocNamedType } [","]] "}" ";";
Enumeration = {DocComment} "enum" Identifier "{" [DocIdentifier {"," DocIdentifier} [","]] "}" ";";
Type = Identifier ["<" Type {"," Type} ">"];
Identifier = (CHARACTER | "_") { NUMBER | CHARACTER | "_" } ;
DocIdentifier = {DocComment} (CHARACTER | "_") { NUMBER | CHARACTER | "_" } ;
NamedType = Identifier ":" Type;
DocNamedType = {DocComment} Identifier ":" Type;
DocComment = "///" {ANYTHING} LineEnding;
Comment = "//" [ NOT ("/" {ANYTHING} LineEnding) | "//"] {ANYTHING} LineEnding;
LineEnding = "\\n" | "\\r" | "\\r\\n";
# (*
# vim: ft=ebnf
# *)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
fn print(message: String);
/// First doc comment
// Some more text
nasp trinitrix {
/// Second doc comment
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix { {}
fn hi honner(name: String) -> String; ;
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
/// Some doc comment
// Some more text
nasp trinitrix {
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
/// Trailing doc comment (I will fail)
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
struct Callback {
func: Function,
timeout: Integer,
fn execute_callback(callback: Name);
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
/// Prints to the output, with a newline.
// HACK(@soispha): The stdlib Lua `print()` function has stdout as output hardcoded,
// redirecting stdout seems too much like a hack thus we are just redefining the print function
// to output to a controlled output. <2023-09-09>
//fn print(input: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix {
/// Language specific functions, which mirror the `trinitrix.api` namespace.
/// That is, if you have to choose between a `std` and a `api` function choose the `std`
/// one as it will most likely be more high-level and easier to use (as it isn't abstracted
/// over multiple languages). Feel free to drop down to the lower level api, if you feel
/// like that more, it should be as stable and user-oriented as the `std` functions
nasp std {}
/// Debug only functions, these are effectively useless
nasp debug {
enum UserGreet {
struct GreetedUser {
names: Vec<String>,
new: GreetedUser,
state: UserGreet
/// Greets the user
fn greet(input: String) -> String;
/// Returns a table of greeted users
fn greet_multiple() -> GreetedUser;
/// General API to change stuff in Trinitrix
nasp api {
/// Closes the application
fn exit();
/// Send a message to the current room
/// The send message is interpreted literally.
fn room_message_send(msg: String);
/// Open the help pages at the first occurrence of
/// the input string if it is Some, otherwise open
/// the help pages at the start
fn help(input: Option<String>);
// Register a function to be used with the Trinitrix API
// (This function is actually implemented in the std namespace)
/* fn register_function(function: RawFunction); */
/// Function that change the UI, or UI state
nasp ui {
/// Shows the command line
fn command_line_show();
/// Hides the command line
fn command_line_hide();
/// Go to the next plane
fn cycle_planes();
/// Go to the previous plane
fn cycle_planes_rev();
/// Sets the current app mode to Normal / navigation mode
fn set_mode_normal();
/// Sets the current app mode to Insert / editing mode
fn set_mode_insert();
/// Manipulate keymappings, the mode is specified as a String build up of all mode
/// the keymapping should be active in. The mapping works as follows:
/// n => normal Mode
/// c => command Mode
/// i => insert Mode
/// The key works in a similar matter, specifying the required keypresses to trigger the
/// callback. For example "aba" for require the user to press "a" then "b" then "a" again
/// to trigger the mapping. Special characters are encoded as follows:
/// "<C-a>ba" => "Ctrl+a" then "b" then "a"
/// "<S-a>" => "A" or "Shift+a"
/// "A" => "A"
/// "<M-a> " => "Alt+a" (<A-a>) or "Meta+a"(<M-a>) (most terminals can't really differentiate between these characters)
/// "a<C-b><C-a>" => "a" then "Ctrl+b" then "Ctrl+a" (also works for Shift, Alt and Super)
/// "<CSM-b>" => "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+b" (the ordering doesn't matter)
/// "a " => "a" then a literal space (" ")
/// "å🙂" => "å" then "🙂" (full Unicode support!)
/// "<ESC>" => escape key
/// "<F3>" => F3 key
/// "<BACKSPACE>" => backspace key (and so forth)
/// "<DASH>" => a literal "-"
/// "<ANGULAR_BRACKET_OPEN>" or "<ABO>" => a literal "<"
/// "<ANGULAR_BRACKET_CLOSE>" or "<ABC>" => a literal ">"
/// The callback MUST be registered first by calling
/// `trinitrix.api.register_function()` the returned value can than be used to
/// set the keymap.
nasp keymaps {
/// Add a new keymapping
fn add(mode: String, key: String, callback: Function);
/// Remove a keymapping
/// Does nothing, if the keymapping doesn't exists
fn remove(mode: String, key: String);
/// List declared keymappings
fn get(mode: String);
/// Functions only used internally within Trinitrix
nasp raw {
/// Send an error to the default error output
fn raise_error(input: String);
/// Send output to the default output
/// This is mainly used to display the final
/// output of evaluated lua commands.
fn display_output(input: String);
/// Input a character without checking for possible keymaps
/// If the current state does not expect input, this character is ignored
/// The encoding is the same as in the `trinitrix.api.keymaps` commands
fn send_input_unprocessed(input: String);
/// This namespace is used to store some command specific data (like functions, as
/// ensuring memory locations stay allocated in garbage collected language is hard)
/// Treat it as an implementation detail
nasp __private {}
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix {
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
nasp trinitrix {
fn ho(name: String, name2: String) -> String;
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix {
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
nasp trinitrix {
struct Callback {
func: Function,
timeout: Integer,
enum CallbackPriority {
fn execute_callback(callback: Callback, priority: CallbackPriority);
// That's a flat out lie, but it results in a rather nice syntax highlight compared to nothing:
// vim: syntax=rust
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
ebnf2pdf make "./docs/grammar.ebnf"
mv grammar.ebnf.pdf ./docs/grammar.pdf
# vim: ft=sh
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
//! This module contains the already type checked types.
use std::fmt::Display;
use crate::lexing::TokenKind;
use super::unchecked;
/// These are the "primitive" types used in trixy, you can use any of them to create new structures
pub const BASE_TYPES: [ConstIdentifier; 8] = [
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Namespace {
pub name: Identifier,
pub functions: Vec<Function>,
pub structures: Vec<Structure>,
pub enumerations: Vec<Enumeration>,
pub namespaces: Vec<Namespace>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CommandSpec {
pub structures: Vec<Structure>,
pub enumerations: Vec<Enumeration>,
pub functions: Vec<Function>,
pub namespaces: Vec<Namespace>,
impl From<Namespace> for CommandSpec {
fn from(value: Namespace) -> Self {
Self {
structures: value.structures,
enumerations: value.enumerations,
functions: value.functions,
namespaces: value.namespaces,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Structure {
pub identifier: Identifier,
pub contents: Vec<DocNamedType>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Enumeration {
pub identifier: Identifier,
pub states: Vec<DocIdentifier>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Function {
pub identifier: Identifier,
pub inputs: Vec<NamedType>,
pub output: Option<Type>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct Type {
pub identifier: Identifier,
pub generic_args: Vec<Type>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct NamedType {
pub name: Identifier,
pub r#type: Type,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct DocNamedType {
pub name: Identifier,
pub r#type: Type,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
impl From<TokenKind> for Identifier {
fn from(value: TokenKind) -> Self {
match value {
TokenKind::Identifier(ident) => Identifier { name: ident },
_ => {
"Tried to convert a non Identifier TokenKind to a Identefier. This is a bug
Token was: '{}'
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub enum Attribute {
impl From<unchecked::Attribute> for Attribute {
fn from(value: unchecked::Attribute) -> Self {
match value {
unchecked::Attribute::doc { content: name, .. } => Self::doc(name),
/// An Identifier
/// These include
/// - Variable names
/// - Function names
/// - Namespace names
/// - Type names
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Identifier {
pub name: String,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct DocIdentifier {
pub name: String,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
/// A const version of [Identifier]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct ConstIdentifier {
pub name: &'static str,
impl Display for Identifier {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl Identifier {
const fn from(value: &'static str) -> ConstIdentifier {
ConstIdentifier { name: value }
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
pub mod checked;
pub mod unchecked;
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
//! This module contains the not type checked types.
//! These are generated on the first pass of the parser, to be later converted into the checked
//! ones.
use std::fmt::{Display, Write};
use crate::lexing::{Token, TokenSpan};
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct CommandSpec {
pub structures: Vec<Structure>,
pub enumerations: Vec<Enumeration>,
pub functions: Vec<Function>,
pub namespaces: Vec<Namespace>,
impl From<CommandSpec> for Namespace {
fn from(value: CommandSpec) -> Self {
Self {
name: Token::get_dummy(),
functions: value.functions,
structures: value.structures,
enumerations: value.enumerations,
namespaces: value.namespaces,
attributes: vec![],
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Namespace {
pub name: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub functions: Vec<Function>,
pub structures: Vec<Structure>,
pub enumerations: Vec<Enumeration>,
pub namespaces: Vec<Namespace>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Declaration {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub enum Attribute {
doc { content: String, span: TokenSpan },
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Function {
pub identifier: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub inputs: Vec<NamedType>,
pub output: Option<Type>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Structure {
pub identifier: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub contents: Vec<DocNamedType>,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Enumeration {
pub identifier: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub states: Vec<DocToken>, // Will later become an Identifier
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct DocToken {
pub token: Token,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct DocNamedType {
pub name: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub r#type: Type,
pub attributes: Vec<Attribute>,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct NamedType {
pub name: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub r#type: Type,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub struct Type {
pub identifier: Token, // Will later become an Identifier
pub generic_args: Vec<Type>,
impl Display for Type {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let ident = match self.identifier.kind() {
crate::lexing::TokenKind::Identifier(ident) => ident,
_ => panic!("Tried to display a non identifier token in the Type display implementation. This is a bug"),
if !self.generic_args.is_empty() {
let mut first_run = true;
for arg in &self.generic_args {
if !first_run {
f.write_str(", ")?;
} else {
first_run = false;
write!(f, "{}", arg)?;
} else {
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
use core::fmt;
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{
lexing::{error::SpannedLexingError, TokenSpan},
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum TrixyError {
Lexing(#[from] SpannedLexingError),
Parsing(#[from] SpannedParsingError),
/// The context of an Error.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct ErrorContext {
/// The span of the error in the source file
pub span: TokenSpan,
/// The span of the error in the context line relative to the context line
pub contexted_span: TokenSpan,
/// The line above the error
pub line_above: String,
/// The line below the error
pub line_below: String,
/// The line in which the error occurred
pub line: String,
/// The line number of the main error line
pub line_number: usize,
impl ErrorContext {
pub fn from_span(span: TokenSpan, original_file: &str) -> Self {
let line_number = original_file
.filter(|a| a == &'\n')
// This is here, as we are missing one newline with the method above
+ 1;
let lines: Vec<_> = original_file.lines().collect();
let line = (*lines
.get(line_number - 1)
.expect("This should work, as have *at least* one (index = 0) line"))
let contexted_span = {
let matched_line: Vec<_> = original_file.match_indices(&line).collect();
let (index, matched_line) = matched_line.first().expect("This first index should always match, as we took the line from the string in the first place");
debug_assert_eq!(matched_line, &&line);
TokenSpan {
start: span.start - index,
end: span.end - index,
let line_above = if line_number == 1 {
// We only have one line, so no line above
} else {
.get((line_number - 1) - 1)
.expect("We checked that this should work"))
let line_below = if lines.len() - 1 > line_number {
// We have a line after the current line
.get((line_number + 1) - 1)
.expect("We checked that this should work"))
} else {
Self {
pub fn from_index(start: usize, orginal_file: &str) -> Self {
let span = TokenSpan {
end: start + 1,
Self::from_span(span, orginal_file)
pub fn get_error_line(&self, source_error: &str) -> String {
// deconstruct the structure
let ErrorContext {
} = self;
let mut output = String::new();
// pad to accommodate the line number printing.
// 32 -> needs two spaces padding to print it
line_number.to_string().chars().for_each(|_| {
output.push(' ');
// pad to the beginning of the error
for _ in 0..contexted_span.start {
output.push(' ');
// push the error markers
for _ in contexted_span.start..contexted_span.end {
// // pad until end of line
// for _ in contexted_span.end..(line.len() - 1) {
// output.push('-');
// }
// additional space to avoid having to end with a '-'
output.push(' ');
output.push_str("help: ");
pub trait AdditionalHelp {
fn additional_help(&self) -> String;
pub trait ErrorContextDisplay: fmt::Display {
type Error;
fn error_fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result
<Self as ErrorContextDisplay>::Error: std::fmt::Display + AdditionalHelp,
let error_line = self
writeln!(f, "\x1b[31;1merror: \x1b[37;1m{}\x1b[0m", self.source())?;
if !self.line_above().is_empty() {
"\x1b[32;1m{} |\x1b[0m {}",
self.line_number() - 1,
"\x1b[36;1m{} |\x1b[0m {}",
writeln!(f, " {}", error_line)?;
if !self.line_below().is_empty() {
"\x1b[32;1m{} |\x1b[0m {}",
self.line_number() + 1,
} else {
write!(f, "")
// getters
fn context(&self) -> &ErrorContext;
fn source(&self) -> &Self::Error;
fn line_number(&self) -> usize;
fn line_above(&self) -> &str;
fn line_below(&self) -> &str;
fn line(&self) -> &str;
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::error::{AdditionalHelp, ErrorContext, ErrorContextDisplay};
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum LexingError {
#[error("No matches were found")]
#[error("Expected an token, but reached end of file")]
#[error("Char ('{0}') is not a know token!")]
#[error("The Arrow token must be of the form: ->")]
#[error("The Comment token must start with two slashes")]
impl AdditionalHelp for LexingError {
fn additional_help(&self) -> String {
match self {
LexingError::NoMatchesTaken => "This token does not produce a possible match".to_owned(),
LexingError::UnexpectedEOF => "This eof was completely unexpected".to_owned(),
LexingError::ExpectedArrow => "The `-` token is interpretet as a started arrow (`->`), but we could not find the arrow tip (`>`)".to_owned(),
LexingError::UnknownCharacter(char) => {
format!("This char: `{char}`; is not a valid token")
LexingError::ExpectedComment => "The '/' started comment parsing, but I could not find a matching '/'".to_owned(),
pub struct SpannedLexingError {
pub source: LexingError,
pub context: ErrorContext,
impl Error for SpannedLexingError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
impl ErrorContextDisplay for SpannedLexingError {
type Error = LexingError;
fn context(&self) -> &crate::error::ErrorContext {
fn line_number(&self) -> usize {
fn line_above(&self) -> &str {
fn line_below(&self) -> &str {
fn line(&self) -> &str {
fn source(&self) -> &<SpannedLexingError as ErrorContextDisplay>::Error {
impl Display for SpannedLexingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
use std::fmt::Display;
use self::{error::SpannedLexingError, tokenizer::Tokenizer};
pub mod error;
mod tokenizer;
mod test;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq)]
pub struct TokenStream {
pub original_file: String,
tokens: Vec<Token>,
impl TokenStream {
/// Turn a string of valid Trixy code into a list of tokens, including the
/// location of that token's start and end point in the original source code.
/// Note the token indices represent the half-open interval `[start, end)`,
/// equivalent to `start .. end` in Rust.
pub fn lex(src: &str) -> Result<Self, SpannedLexingError> {
let mut tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(src);
let mut tokens = Vec::new();
while let Some(tok) = tokenizer.next_token()? {
// filter out comments
let tokens = tokens
.filter(|token| !matches!(token.kind, TokenKind::Comment(_)))
Ok(Self {
original_file: src.to_owned(),
/// Get a token by index
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Token> {
/// Get a reference to the uppermost token, without modifying the token list
pub fn peek(&self) -> Option<&Token> {
/// Remove to the uppermost token
pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Token {
self.tokens.pop().expect("This should not be emtpy")
/// Reverses the underlying tokes vector
/// This is facilitates using the pop and peek methods to parse the tokens from the beginning,
/// not the end
pub fn reverse(&mut self) {
/// Check if the TokenStream is empty.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// A token span is recorded in chars starting from the beginning of the file:
/// A token span like this, for example:
/// ```dont_run
///# use trixy_lang_parser::lexing::TokenSpan;
/// TokenSpan {
/// start: 20,
/// end: 23,
/// }
/// ```
/// signals, that the token starts at the 20th char in the source file and ends on the 23rd.
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct TokenSpan {
/// The start of the token span
pub start: usize,
/// The end of the token span
pub end: usize,
impl TokenSpan {
pub fn from_range(start: TokenSpan, end: TokenSpan) -> Self {
Self {
start: start.start,
end: end.end,
/// A Token
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Clone)]
pub struct Token {
/// The token's original location in the source file
pub span: TokenSpan,
pub kind: TokenKind,
impl Token {
/// Return the TokenKind of a token
pub fn kind(&self) -> &TokenKind {
/// Return the TokenSpan of a token
pub fn span(&self) -> &TokenSpan {
/// Get a dummy token, this is intended for error handling
pub fn get_dummy() -> Token {
Self {
span: TokenSpan { start: 0, end: 0 },
kind: TokenKind::Dummy,
/// Possibly kinds of tokens
#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone)]
pub enum TokenKind {
/// This is not a real TokenKind, but only used for error handling
impl TokenKind {
pub fn same_kind(&self, other: &TokenKind) -> bool {
if let TokenKind::Identifier(_) = self {
if let TokenKind::Identifier(_) = other {
return true;
if let TokenKind::Comment(_) = self {
if let TokenKind::Comment(_) = other {
return true;
if let TokenKind::DocComment(_) = self {
if let TokenKind::DocComment(_) = other {
return true;
self == other
impl Display for TokenKind {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
TokenKind::Keyword(word) => write!(f, "KEYWORD({})", word),
TokenKind::Identifier(ident) => {
if ident.is_empty() {
write!(f, "IDENTIFIER")
} else {
write!(f, "IDENTIFIER({})", ident)
TokenKind::Colon => f.write_str("COLON"),
TokenKind::Semicolon => f.write_str("SEMICOLON"),
TokenKind::Comma => f.write_str("COMMA"),
TokenKind::Arrow => f.write_str("ARROW"),
TokenKind::BraceOpen => f.write_str("BRACEOPEN"),
TokenKind::BraceClose => f.write_str("BRACECLOSE"),
TokenKind::ParenOpen => f.write_str("PARENOPEN"),
TokenKind::ParenClose => f.write_str("PARENCLOSE"),
TokenKind::Dummy => f.write_str("DUMMY"),
TokenKind::SquareOpen => f.write_str("SQUAREOPEN"),
TokenKind::SquareClose => f.write_str("SQUARECLOSE"),
TokenKind::DocComment(text) => write!(f, "DOCCOMMENT({})", text),
TokenKind::Comment(text) => write!(f, "COMMENT({})", text),
/// Keywords used in the language
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Keyword {
/// Start a namespace declaration
/// Start a function declaration
/// Start a structure declaration
/// Start a enum declaration
impl Display for Keyword {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Keyword::nasp => f.write_str("nasp"),
Keyword::r#fn => f.write_str("fn"),
Keyword::r#struct => f.write_str("struct"),
Keyword::r#enum => f.write_str("enum"),
/// Shorthand macro for generating a token from *anything* which can be
/// converted into a `TokenKind`, or any of the `TokenKind` variants.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use trixy_lang_parser::token;
/// # fn main() {
/// token![nasp];
/// token![;];
/// token![Arrow];
/// # }
/// ```
macro_rules! token {
[Semicolon] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Semicolon };
[;] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Semicolon };
[Colon] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Colon };
[:] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Colon };
[Comma] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Comma };
[,] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Comma };
[Arrow] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Arrow };
[->] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Arrow };
[SquareOpen] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::SquareOpen };
[<] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::SquareOpen };
[SquareClose] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::SquareClose };
[>] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::SquareClose};
[BraceOpen] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::BraceOpen };
// [{] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::BraceOpen };
[BraceClose] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::BraceClose };
// [}] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::BraceClose };
[ParenOpen] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::ParenOpen };
// [(] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::ParenthesisOpen };
[ParenClose] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::ParenClose };
// [)] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::ParenthesisClose };
[nasp] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Keyword($crate::lexing::Keyword::nasp) };
[fn] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Keyword($crate::lexing::Keyword::r#fn) };
[struct] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Keyword($crate::lexing::Keyword::r#struct) };
[enum] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Keyword($crate::lexing::Keyword::r#enum) };
// This is only works for checking for a identifier or comment
// see the `same_kind` method on TokenKind
[Ident] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Identifier("".to_owned()) };
[Identifier] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Identifier("".to_owned()) };
[DocComment] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::DocComment("".to_owned()) };
[DocCommentMatch] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::DocComment(_doc_comment) };
[Comment] => { $crate::lexing::TokenKind::Comment("".to_owned()) };
mod tests {
use super::TokenKind;
use crate::token;
macro_rules! token_macro_test {
($name:ident, $from:tt, => $to:expr) => {
fn $name() {
let got: TokenKind = token![$from];
let should_be = $to;
assert_eq!(got, should_be);
($name:ident, $from:tt, => $to:expr) => {
fn $name() {
let got: TokenKind = token![$from];
let should_be = $to;
assert_eq!(got, should_be);
token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_arrow, ->, => TokenKind::Arrow);
token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_semicolon, Semicolon, => TokenKind::Semicolon);
token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_nasp, nasp, => TokenKind::Keyword(crate::lexing::Keyword::nasp));
token_macro_test!(tok_expands_to_fn, fn, => TokenKind::Keyword(crate::lexing::Keyword::r#fn));
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
use crate::lexing::{Keyword, Token, TokenKind, TokenSpan};
use super::TokenStream;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
fn test_lexing_trixy() {
let input = "
nasp commands {
fn expect(event: String) -> String;
let token_stream = TokenStream::lex(input).unwrap();
let expected_token_stream = {
let tokens = vec![
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 1, end: 5 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 6, end: 14 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("commands".to_owned()),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 15, end: 16 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 21, end: 23 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::r#fn),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 24, end: 30 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("expect".to_owned()),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 30, end: 31 },
kind: TokenKind::ParenOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 31, end: 36 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("event".to_owned()),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 36, end: 37 },
kind: TokenKind::Colon,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 38, end: 44 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("String".to_owned()),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 44, end: 45 },
kind: TokenKind::ParenClose,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 46, end: 48 },
kind: TokenKind::Arrow,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 49, end: 55 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("String".to_owned()),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 55, end: 56 },
kind: TokenKind::Semicolon,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 57, end: 58 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceClose,
TokenStream {
original_file: input.to_owned(),
assert_eq!(token_stream, expected_token_stream)
fn test_failing_lexing() {
let input = "
nasp trinitrix {
nasp - commands {
fn hi(strings: String) -> String;
let token_stream = TokenStream::lex(input);
eprintln!("{}", token_stream.as_ref().unwrap_err());
// uncomment the next line to see the error message, without having to remove cargo's output filter
// assert!(!token_stream.is_err());
fn test_multiple_tokens() {
let input = "
nasp nasp {{
let token_stream = TokenStream::lex(input).unwrap();
let expected_token_stream = {
let tokens = vec![
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 1, end: 5 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 6, end: 10 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 11, end: 12 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 12, end: 13 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 14, end: 15 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceClose,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 15, end: 16 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceClose,
TokenStream {
original_file: input.to_owned(),
assert_eq!(token_stream, expected_token_stream)
fn test_comments() {
let input = "
// Some comment
nasp nasp {{
// NOTE(@soispha): We do not support nested multi line comments <2023-12-16>
/* Some
* multi
* line
* comment
let token_stream = TokenStream::lex(input)
.map_err(|e| {
eprintln!("{}", e);
let expected_token_stream = {
let tokens = vec![
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 33, end: 37 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 38, end: 42 },
kind: TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 43, end: 44 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 44, end: 45 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceOpen,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 55, end: 56 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceClose,
Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 56, end: 57 },
kind: TokenKind::BraceClose,
TokenStream {
original_file: input.to_owned(),
assert_eq!(token_stream, expected_token_stream)
@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
// This code is heavily inspired by:
use crate::{
lexing::{Keyword, TokenSpan},
use super::{
error::{LexingError, SpannedLexingError},
Token, TokenKind,
pub(super) struct Tokenizer<'a> {
current_index: usize,
remaining_text: &'a str,
original_text: &'a str,
impl<'a> Tokenizer<'a> {
pub(super) fn new(input: &'a str) -> Self {
Self {
current_index: 0,
remaining_text: input,
original_text: input,
pub(super) fn next_token(&mut self) -> Result<Option<Token>, SpannedLexingError> {
if self.remaining_text.is_empty() {
} else {
let start = self.current_index;
let (token_kind, index) = self.get_next_tokenkind().map_err(|e| {
let context = ErrorContext::from_index(start, self.original_text);
SpannedLexingError { source: e, context }
self.chomp(index); // end - start
let end = self.current_index;
Ok(Some(Token {
span: TokenSpan { start, end },
kind: token_kind,
fn get_next_tokenkind(&mut self) -> Result<(TokenKind, usize), LexingError> {
let next = match self.remaining_text.chars().next() {
Some(c) => c,
None => return Err(LexingError::UnexpectedEOF),
let (tok, length) = match next {
'(' => (TokenKind::ParenOpen, 1),
')' => (TokenKind::ParenClose, 1),
'{' => (TokenKind::BraceOpen, 1),
'}' => (TokenKind::BraceClose, 1),
':' => (TokenKind::Colon, 1),
';' => (TokenKind::Semicolon, 1),
',' => (TokenKind::Comma, 1),
'<' => (TokenKind::SquareOpen, 1),
'>' => (TokenKind::SquareClose, 1),
'-' => tokenize_arrow(self.remaining_text)?,
'/' => tokenize_comment(self.remaining_text)?,
// can't use a OR (`|`) here, as the guard takes precedence
c if c.is_alphabetic() => tokenize_ident(self.remaining_text)?,
'_' => tokenize_ident(self.remaining_text)?,
other => return Err(LexingError::UnknownCharacter(other)),
Ok((tok, length))
fn skip_ignored_tokens(&mut self) {
loop {
let ws = self.skip_whitespace();
let comments = self.skip_block_comment();
if ws + comments == 0 {
/// Skip past any whitespace characters
fn skip_whitespace(&mut self) -> usize {
let mut remaining = self.remaining_text;
// Filter out whitespace
let _ws = {
let ws = match take_while(remaining, |ch| ch.is_whitespace()) {
Ok((_, bytes_skipped)) => bytes_skipped,
_ => 0,
remaining = &remaining[ws..];
let skip = self.remaining_text.len() - remaining.len();
fn skip_block_comment(&mut self) -> usize {
let pairs = [("/*", "*/")];
let src = self.remaining_text;
for &(pattern, matcher) in &pairs {
if src.starts_with(pattern) {
let leftovers = skip_until(src, matcher);
let skip = src.len() - leftovers.len();
return skip;
fn chomp(&mut self, chars_to_chomp: usize) {
self.remaining_text = &self.remaining_text[chars_to_chomp..];
self.current_index += chars_to_chomp;
fn tokenize_comment(text: &str) -> Result<(TokenKind, usize), LexingError> {
// every token starts with two slashes
let slashes: &str = &text[..2];
if slashes != "//" {
} else {
let text: &str = &text[2..];
if let Some('/') = text.chars().next() {
let text = &text[1..];
let (doc_comment, chars_read) = take_while(text, |ch| ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')?;
// trim whitespace
let doc_comment = doc_comment.trim_start();
let doc_comment = doc_comment.trim_end();
return Ok((
chars_read + 3,
let (comment, chars_read) = take_while(text, |ch| ch != '\n' && ch != '\r')?;
// trim whitespace
let comment = comment.trim_start();
let comment = comment.trim_end();
Ok((TokenKind::Comment(comment.to_owned()), chars_read + 2))
fn tokenize_ident(text: &str) -> Result<(TokenKind, usize), LexingError> {
let (got, chars_read) = take_while(text, |ch| ch == '_' || ch.is_alphanumeric())?;
// Filter out keywords
let tokenkind = match got {
"nasp" => TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp),
"fn" => TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::r#fn),
"struct" => TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::r#struct),
"enum" => TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::r#enum),
other => TokenKind::Identifier(other.to_string()),
Ok((tokenkind, chars_read))
fn tokenize_arrow(text: &str) -> Result<(TokenKind, usize), LexingError> {
let mut chars = text.chars();
if let Some(char) = {
if char == '-' {
if let Some(char) = {
if char == '>' {
return Ok((TokenKind::Arrow, 2));
// This is a implicit else as the other if clauses return
/// Consumes bytes while a predicate evaluates to true.
fn take_while<F>(data: &str, mut pred: F) -> Result<(&str, usize), LexingError>
F: FnMut(char) -> bool,
let mut current_index = 0;
for ch in data.chars() {
let should_continue = pred(ch);
if !should_continue {
current_index += ch.len_utf8();
if current_index == 0 {
} else {
Ok((&data[..current_index], current_index))
/// Skips input until the remaining string pattern starts with the pattern
fn skip_until<'a>(mut src: &'a str, pattern: &str) -> &'a str {
while !src.is_empty() && !src.starts_with(pattern) {
let next_char_size = src
.expect("The string isn't empty")
src = &src[next_char_size..];
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
use error::TrixyError;
use crate::lexing::TokenStream;
use self::command_spec::checked::CommandSpec;
mod command_spec;
pub mod error;
pub mod lexing;
pub mod parsing;
pub fn parse_trixy_lang(input: &str) -> Result<CommandSpec, Box<TrixyError>> {
let input_tokens = TokenStream::lex(input)
.map_err(|err| Box::new(err.into()))?
@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
use std::{fs, process::exit};
use trixy_lang_parser::lexing::TokenStream;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use clap::{Parser, Subcommand};
/// A helper command for the trixy-lang_parser crate
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
pub struct Args {
/// The subcommand to execute
pub subcommand: Command,
#[derive(Subcommand, Debug)]
pub enum Command {
/// Only try to tokenize the file
Tokenize {
/// The file containing the trixy code to tokenize
file: PathBuf,
/// Check syntax, without type checking
Parse {
/// The file containing the trixy code to parse
file: PathBuf,
/// Type check
Process {
/// The file containing the trixy code to process
file: PathBuf,
pub fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
match args.subcommand {
Command::Tokenize { file } => {
let input = fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap();
let input_tokens = match TokenStream::lex(&input) {
Ok(err) => err,
Err(ok) => {
eprintln!("{}", ok);
println!("{:#?}", input_tokens);
Command::Parse { file } => {
let input = fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap();
let input_tokens = match TokenStream::lex(&input) {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error while tokenizing:");
eprintln!("{}", err);
let parsed = match input_tokens.parse_unchecked() {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error while doing the first (unchecked) parsing run:");
eprintln!("{}", err);
println!("{:#?}", parsed);
Command::Process { file } => {
let input = fs::read_to_string(file).unwrap();
let input_tokens = match TokenStream::lex(&input) {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error while tokenizing:");
eprintln!("{}", err);
let parsed = match input_tokens.parse_unchecked() {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error while doing the first (unchecked) parsing run:");
eprintln!("{}", err);
let processed = match parsed.process(input) {
Ok(ok) => ok,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error while doing the seconde (checked) parsing run:");
eprintln!("{}", err);
println!("{:#?}", processed);
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
use thiserror::Error;
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};
use crate::{
error::{AdditionalHelp, ErrorContext, ErrorContextDisplay},
parsing::unchecked::error::SpannedParsingError as OldSpannedParsingError,
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum ParsingError {
#[error("The type ('{r#type}') was not declared before!")]
TypeNotDeclared { r#type: Identifier, span: TokenSpan },
PreParseError(#[from] OldSpannedParsingError),
impl ParsingError {
pub fn span(&self) -> &TokenSpan {
match self {
ParsingError::TypeNotDeclared { span, .. } => span,
ParsingError::PreParseError(err) => err.source.span(),
impl AdditionalHelp for ParsingError {
fn additional_help(&self) -> String {
match self {
ParsingError::TypeNotDeclared { .. } => "This type should have been mentioned in the namespaces above, or in the namespace of this type usage".to_owned(),
ParsingError::PreParseError(err) => ErrorContextDisplay::source(err).additional_help(),
pub struct SpannedParsingError {
pub source: Box<ParsingError>,
pub context: ErrorContext,
impl Error for SpannedParsingError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
impl Display for SpannedParsingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl ErrorContextDisplay for SpannedParsingError {
type Error = ParsingError;
fn context(&self) -> &crate::error::ErrorContext {
fn line_number(&self) -> usize {
fn line_above(&self) -> &str {
fn line_below(&self) -> &str {
fn line(&self) -> &str {
fn source(&self) -> &<SpannedParsingError as ErrorContextDisplay>::Error {
@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
use std::mem;
use crate::{
CommandSpec, DocIdentifier, DocNamedType, Enumeration, Function, Identifier, NamedType,
Namespace, Structure, Type, BASE_TYPES,
CommandSpec as UncheckedCommandSpec, DocNamedType as UncheckedDocNamedType,
Enumeration as UncheckedEnumeration, Function as UncheckedFunction,
NamedType as UncheckedNamedType, Namespace as UncheckedNamespace,
Structure as UncheckedStructure, Type as UncheckedType,
lexing::{TokenKind, TokenStream},
use self::error::{ParsingError, SpannedParsingError};
pub mod error;
mod test;
struct Parser {
command_spec: UncheckedCommandSpec,
structures: Vec<UncheckedStructure>,
enumerations: Vec<UncheckedEnumeration>,
original_file: String,
impl TokenStream {
pub fn parse(mut self) -> Result<CommandSpec, SpannedParsingError> {
let original_file = mem::take(&mut self.original_file);
let unchecked = self.parse_unchecked().map_err(|err| {
let span = *err.source.span();
SpannedParsingError {
source: Box::new(ParsingError::from(err)),
context: ErrorContext::from_span(span, &original_file),
let checked = Parser {
command_spec: unchecked,
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
impl UncheckedCommandSpec {
pub fn process(self, original_file: String) -> Result<CommandSpec, SpannedParsingError> {
let checked = Parser {
command_spec: self,
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
macro_rules! pass_attrs_along {
($name:ident) => {
$name.attributes.into_iter().map(|a| a.into()).collect()
impl Parser {
fn parse(mut self) -> Result<CommandSpec, SpannedParsingError> {
let namespace: UncheckedNamespace =
UncheckedNamespace::from(mem::take(&mut self.command_spec));
let namespace = self.process_namespace(namespace).map_err(|err| {
let span = *err.span();
SpannedParsingError {
source: Box::new(err),
context: ErrorContext::from_span(span, &self.original_file),
fn process_namespace(
&mut self,
namespace: UncheckedNamespace,
) -> Result<Namespace, ParsingError> {
let name = match {
TokenKind::Identifier(ident) => Identifier { name: ident },
// This is not really used, so the value put here does not matter
TokenKind::Dummy => Identifier {
name: "".to_owned(),
_ => unreachable!("This should never be more than these two enum veriants"),
let mut enumerations = vec![];
let mut enumerations_counter = 0;
for enumeration in namespace.enumerations {
enumerations_counter += 1;
let mut structures = vec![];
let mut structures_counter = 0;
for structure in namespace.structures {
structures_counter += 1;
let mut functions = vec![];
for function in namespace.functions {
let mut namespaces = vec![];
for namespace in namespace.namespaces {
// Remove added enums and structs again
(0..structures_counter).for_each(|_| {
(0..enumerations_counter).for_each(|_| {
Ok(Namespace {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(namespace),
fn process_function(
&mut self,
mut function: UncheckedFunction,
) -> Result<Function, ParsingError> {
let identifier = mem::take(&mut function.identifier.kind).into();
let mut inputs = vec![];
for input in function.inputs {
let output = if let Some(r#type) = function.output {
} else {
Ok(Function {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(function),
fn process_enumeration(
&mut self,
mut enumeration: UncheckedEnumeration,
) -> Result<Enumeration, ParsingError> {
let identifier = mem::take(&mut enumeration.identifier.kind).into();
let mut states = vec![];
for mut state in enumeration.states {
let ident: Identifier = mem::take(&mut state.token.kind).into();
DocIdentifier {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(state),
Ok(Enumeration {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(enumeration),
fn process_structure(
&mut self,
mut structure: UncheckedStructure,
) -> Result<Structure, ParsingError> {
let identifier: Identifier = mem::take(&mut structure.identifier.kind).into();
let mut contents = vec![];
for named_type in structure.contents {
Ok(Structure {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(structure),
fn process_named_type(
&mut self,
mut named_type: UncheckedNamedType,
) -> Result<NamedType, ParsingError> {
let name: Identifier = mem::take(&mut;
let r#type: Type = self.process_type(named_type.r#type)?;
Ok(NamedType { name, r#type })
fn process_doc_named_type(
&mut self,
mut doc_named_type: UncheckedDocNamedType,
) -> Result<DocNamedType, ParsingError> {
let name: Identifier = mem::take(&mut;
let r#type: Type = self.process_type(doc_named_type.r#type)?;
Ok(DocNamedType {
attributes: pass_attrs_along!(doc_named_type),
fn process_type(&mut self, mut r#type: UncheckedType) -> Result<Type, ParsingError> {
let identifier: Identifier = mem::take(&mut r#type.identifier.kind).into();
if !self
.map(|r#struct| Into::<Identifier>::into(r#struct.identifier.kind.clone()))
.any(|ident| ident == identifier)
&& !self
.map(|r#enum| Into::<Identifier>::into(r#enum.identifier.kind.clone()))
.any(|ident| ident == identifier)
&& !BASE_TYPES.iter().any(|ident| ==
return Err(ParsingError::TypeNotDeclared {
r#type: identifier,
span: r#type.identifier.span,
let mut generic_args = vec![];
for generic_arg in r#type.generic_args {
Ok(Type {
@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
use crate::command_spec::checked::{
Attribute, CommandSpec, DocIdentifier, DocNamedType, Enumeration, Function, Identifier,
NamedType, Namespace, Structure, Type,
use crate::lexing::TokenStream;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
fn test_full() {
let input = "nasp trinitrix {
struct Callback {
func: Function,
timeout: Integer,
enum CallbackPriority {
fn execute_callback(callback: Callback, priority: CallbackPriority);
let output = TokenStream::lex(&input).unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let expected = CommandSpec {
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
functions: vec![],
namespaces: vec![Namespace {
name: Identifier {
name: "trinitrix".to_owned(),
functions: vec![Function {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "execute_callback".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![
NamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "callback".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "Callback".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
NamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "priority".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "CallbackPriority".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
output: None,
attributes: vec![],
structures: vec![Structure {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "Callback".to_owned(),
contents: vec![
DocNamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "func".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "Function".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
DocNamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "timeout".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "Integer".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
enumerations: vec![Enumeration {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "CallbackPriority".to_owned(),
states: vec![
DocIdentifier {
name: "High".to_owned(),
attributes: vec![],
DocIdentifier {
name: "Medium".to_owned(),
attributes: vec![],
DocIdentifier {
name: "Low".to_owned(),
attributes: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
namespaces: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
assert_eq!(output, expected);
fn test_failing() {
let input = "struct Callback {
func: Function,
timeout: Integer,
// The type \"Name\" should not be defined
fn execute_callback(callback: Name);
let output = TokenStream::lex(&input).unwrap().parse();
match *(output.unwrap_err().source) {
super::error::ParsingError::TypeNotDeclared { r#type, .. } => {
Identifier {
name: "Name".to_owned()
_ => panic!("Wrong error in test!"),
fn test_comments() {
let input = "fn print(message: String);
/// First doc comment
// Some more text
nasp trinitrix {
/// Second doc comment
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
let output = TokenStream::lex(&input).unwrap().parse().unwrap();
let expected = CommandSpec {
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
functions: vec![Function {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "print".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![NamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "message".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "String".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
output: None,
attributes: vec![],
namespaces: vec![Namespace {
name: Identifier {
name: "trinitrix".to_owned(),
functions: vec![Function {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "hi".to_owned(),
inputs: vec![NamedType {
name: Identifier {
name: "name".to_owned(),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "String".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
output: Some(Type {
identifier: Identifier {
name: "String".to_owned(),
generic_args: vec![],
attributes: vec![Attribute::doc("Second doc comment".to_owned())],
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
namespaces: vec![],
attributes: vec![Attribute::doc("First doc comment".to_owned())],
assert_eq!(output, expected);
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
pub mod checked;
mod unchecked;
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
use std::{error::Error, fmt::Display};
use thiserror::Error;
use crate::{
error::{AdditionalHelp, ErrorContext, ErrorContextDisplay},
lexing::{TokenKind, TokenSpan},
#[derive(Error, Debug, Clone)]
pub enum ParsingError {
#[error("Expected '{expected}', but received: '{actual}'")]
ExpectedDifferentToken {
expected: TokenKind,
actual: TokenKind,
span: TokenSpan,
#[error("Expected '{expected}', but the token stream stopped")]
UnexpectedEOF {
expected: TokenKind,
span: TokenSpan,
#[error("Expected a Keyword to start a new declaration, but found: '{actual}'")]
ExpectedKeyword { actual: TokenKind, span: TokenSpan },
#[error("DocComment does not have target")]
TrailingDocComment {
comments: Vec<Attribute>,
span: TokenSpan,
impl ParsingError {
pub fn span(&self) -> &TokenSpan {
match self {
ParsingError::ExpectedDifferentToken { span, .. } => span,
ParsingError::ExpectedKeyword { span, .. } => span,
ParsingError::TrailingDocComment { span, .. } => span,
ParsingError::UnexpectedEOF { span, .. } => span,
pub fn get_span(&self) -> TokenSpan {
impl AdditionalHelp for ParsingError {
fn additional_help(&self) -> String {
match self {
ParsingError::ExpectedDifferentToken {
} => format!(
"I expected a '{}' here, but you put a '{}' there!",
expected, actual
ParsingError::ExpectedKeyword { actual, .. } => format!(
"I expected a keyword (that is something like 'fn' or 'nasp') but you put a '{}' there!",
ParsingError::TrailingDocComment { .. } => "I expected some target (a function, namespace, enum, or something like this) which this doc comment annotates, but you put nothing there".to_owned(),
ParsingError::UnexpectedEOF { expected, .. } => format!("Put the expected token ('{expected}') here."),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct SpannedParsingError {
pub source: Box<ParsingError>,
pub context: ErrorContext,
impl Error for SpannedParsingError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
impl Display for SpannedParsingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl ErrorContextDisplay for SpannedParsingError {
type Error = ParsingError;
fn context(&self) -> &crate::error::ErrorContext {
fn line_number(&self) -> usize {
fn line_above(&self) -> &str {
fn line_below(&self) -> &str {
fn line(&self) -> &str {
fn source(&self) -> &<SpannedParsingError as ErrorContextDisplay>::Error {
@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
use std::mem;
use crate::{
Attribute, CommandSpec, Declaration, DocNamedType, DocToken, Enumeration, Function,
NamedType, Namespace, Structure, Type,
lexing::{Token, TokenKind, TokenSpan, TokenStream},
use self::error::{ParsingError, SpannedParsingError};
pub mod error;
mod test;
impl TokenStream {
pub fn parse_unchecked(self) -> Result<CommandSpec, SpannedParsingError> {
let mut parser = Parser::new(self);
pub(super) struct Parser {
token_stream: TokenStream,
active_doc_comments: Vec<Attribute>,
last_span: TokenSpan,
impl Parser {
fn new(mut token_stream: TokenStream) -> Self {
Self {
active_doc_comments: vec![],
last_span: TokenSpan::default(),
fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<CommandSpec, SpannedParsingError> {
let mut output = CommandSpec::default();
while !self.token_stream.is_empty() {
let next = self.parse_next().map_err(|err| {
let span = err.get_span();
SpannedParsingError {
source: Box::new(err),
context: ErrorContext::from_span(span, &self.token_stream.original_file),
match next {
Declaration::Function(function) => output.functions.push(function),
Declaration::Structure(structure) => output.structures.push(structure),
Declaration::Enumeration(enumeration) => output.enumerations.push(enumeration),
Declaration::Namespace(namespace) => output.namespaces.push(namespace),
fn parse_next(&mut self) -> Result<Declaration, ParsingError> {
// Use of [peek_raw] here is fine, as we know that the function is only called, when
// something should still be contained in the token stream
match self.peek_raw().kind() {
token![nasp] => Ok(Declaration::Namespace(self.parse_namespace()?)),
token![fn] => Ok(Declaration::Function(self.parse_function()?)),
token![struct] => Ok(Declaration::Structure(self.parse_structure()?)),
token![enum] => Ok(Declaration::Enumeration(self.parse_enumeration()?)),
token![DocCommentMatch] => {
while self.expect_peek(token![DocComment]) {
let comment_to_push = {
let doc_comment = self.expect(token![DocComment])?;
let span = *doc_comment.span();
let name = if let TokenKind::DocComment(content) = doc_comment.kind {
} else {
unreachable!("The expect should have accounted for that case");
Attribute::doc {
content: name,
if self.token_stream.is_empty() {
fn get_span(attr: Option<&Attribute>) -> TokenSpan {
match attr.expect("Something should be here") {
Attribute::doc { span, .. } => *span,
let span = TokenSpan::from_range(
Err(ParsingError::TrailingDocComment {
comments: mem::take(&mut self.active_doc_comments),
} else {
_ => {
let err = ParsingError::ExpectedKeyword {
span: *self.peek_raw().span(),
actual: self.peek_raw().kind().clone(),
fn parse_type(&mut self) -> Result<Type, ParsingError> {
let identifier = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let mut generic_args = vec![];
if self.expect_peek(token![<]) {
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
while self.expect_peek(token![Comma]) {
Ok(Type {
fn parse_doc_comments(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Attribute>, ParsingError> {
let mut attrs = mem::take(&mut self.active_doc_comments);
while self.expect_peek(token![DocComment]) {
let doc_comment = self.expect(token![DocComment])?;
let span = *doc_comment.span();
let name = if let TokenKind::DocComment(content) = doc_comment.kind {
} else {
unreachable!("The expect should have accounted for that case");
Attribute::doc {
content: name,
fn parse_namespace(&mut self) -> Result<Namespace, ParsingError> {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
let mut namespace = Namespace {
name: self.expect(token![Ident])?,
while !self.expect_peek(token![BraceClose]) {
let next = self.parse_next()?;
match next {
Declaration::Function(function) => namespace.functions.push(function),
Declaration::Structure(structure) => namespace.structures.push(structure),
Declaration::Enumeration(enumeration) => namespace.enumerations.push(enumeration),
Declaration::Namespace(input_namespace) => {
fn parse_enumeration(&mut self) -> Result<Enumeration, ParsingError> {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
let identifier = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let mut states = vec![];
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
states.push(DocToken {
token: self.expect(token![Ident])?,
while self.expect_peek(token![Comma]) {
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
states.push(DocToken {
token: self.expect(token![Ident])?,
} else {
Ok(Enumeration {
fn parse_structure(&mut self) -> Result<Structure, ParsingError> {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
let name = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let mut contents = vec![];
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
while self.expect_peek(token![Comma]) {
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
} else {
Ok(Structure {
identifier: name,
fn parse_named_type(&mut self) -> Result<NamedType, ParsingError> {
let name = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let r#type = self.parse_type()?;
Ok(NamedType { name, r#type })
fn parse_doc_named_type(&mut self) -> Result<DocNamedType, ParsingError> {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
let name = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let r#type = self.parse_type()?;
Ok(DocNamedType {
fn parse_function(&mut self) -> Result<Function, ParsingError> {
let attributes = self.parse_doc_comments()?;
let name = self.expect(token![Ident])?;
let mut inputs = vec![];
if self.expect_peek(token![Ident]) {
while self.expect_peek(token![Comma]) {
let mut output_type = None;
if self.expect_peek(token![->]) {
output_type = Some(self.parse_type()?);
Ok(Function {
identifier: name,
output: output_type,
/// Expect a token in the next input position:
/// For example:
/// ```dont_run
/// use trixy_lang_parser::{
/// lexing::{Keyword, TokenKind, TokenStream},
/// parsing::unchecked::Parser,
/// token,
/// };
/// # fn main() {
/// let token_stream = TokenStream::lex("nasp {}").unwrap();
/// let parser = Parser::new(token_stream);
/// assert_eq!(parser.expect(token![nasp]).unwrap(), TokenKind::Keyword(Keyword::nasp));
/// assert_eq!(parser.expect(token![BraceOpen]).unwrap(), TokenKind::BraceOpen);
/// assert_eq!(parser.expect(token![BraceClose]).unwrap(), TokenKind::BraceClose);
/// assert!(parser.expect(token![BraceClose]).is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub(super) fn expect(&mut self, token: TokenKind) -> Result<Token, ParsingError> {
let actual_token = if let Some(token) = self.peek() {
} else {
return Err(ParsingError::UnexpectedEOF {
expected: token,
span: self.last_span,
if actual_token.kind().same_kind(&token) {
} else {
let err = ParsingError::ExpectedDifferentToken {
expected: token,
actual: actual_token.kind().clone(),
span: *actual_token.span(),
/// Check if the next token is of the specified TokenKind.
/// Does not alter the token_stream
fn expect_peek(&self, token: TokenKind) -> bool {
let actual_token = match self.peek() {
Some(ok) => ok,
None => return false,
/// Looks at the next token without removing it
fn peek(&self) -> Option<&Token> {
/// Looks at the next token without removing it.
/// Unwraps the option returned from [peek], only use it, if you know that a token must exist
fn peek_raw(&self) -> &Token {
self.token_stream.peek().expect("The token should exist")
/// Removes the next token
fn pop(&mut self) -> Token {
self.last_span = *self
.expect("Calling pop should mean, that a token was first peeked for")
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use crate::{
command_spec::unchecked::{CommandSpec, Function, NamedType, Namespace, Type},
lexing::{Token, TokenKind, TokenSpan, TokenStream},
use super::error::ParsingError;
fn test_failing() {
let input = "
fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix { {}
fn hi honner(name: String) -> String; ;
let parsed = TokenStream::lex(input).unwrap().parse_unchecked();
let err = parsed.unwrap_err().source;
match *err {
ParsingError::ExpectedKeyword { .. } => {}
_ => panic!("Wrong error"),
fn test_full() {
let input = "fn print(message: CommandTransferValue);
nasp trinitrix {
fn hi(name: String) -> String;
let parsed = TokenStream::lex(input).unwrap().parse_unchecked().unwrap();
let expected = CommandSpec {
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
functions: vec![Function {
identifier: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 3, end: 8 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("print".to_owned()),
inputs: vec![NamedType {
name: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 9, end: 16 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("message".to_owned()),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 18, end: 38 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("CommandTransferValue".to_owned()),
generic_args: vec![],
output: None,
attributes: vec![],
namespaces: vec![Namespace {
name: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 47, end: 56 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("trinitrix".to_owned()),
functions: vec![Function {
identifier: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 66, end: 68 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("hi".to_owned()),
inputs: vec![NamedType {
name: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 69, end: 73 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("name".to_owned()),
r#type: Type {
identifier: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 75, end: 81 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("String".to_owned()),
generic_args: vec![],
output: Some(Type {
identifier: Token {
span: TokenSpan { start: 86, end: 92 },
kind: TokenKind::Identifier("String".to_owned()),
generic_args: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
structures: vec![],
enumerations: vec![],
namespaces: vec![],
attributes: vec![],
assert_eq!(parsed, expected);
Reference in New Issue