-- This file can be loaded as a telescope extension local M = {} -- Custom theme picker -- Most of the code is copied from telescope buffer builtin -- Src: https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim/blob/master/lua/telescope/builtin/internal.lua M.term_picker = function(opts) local pickers, finders, previewers, make_entry, actions, action_state, utils, conf if pcall(require, "telescope") then pickers = require "telescope.pickers" finders = require "telescope.finders" previewers = require "telescope.previewers" make_entry = require "telescope.make_entry" actions = require "telescope.actions" action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" utils = require "telescope.utils" conf = require("telescope.config").values else error "Cannot find telescope!" end local filter = vim.tbl_filter local local_utils = require "utils" -- buffer number and name local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local bufname = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr) local bufnrs = filter(function(b) local present_type, type = pcall(function() return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(b, "term_type") end) if not present_type then -- let's only terms that we created return false end -- if 1 ~= vim.fn.buflisted(b) then -- return false -- end -- only hide unloaded buffers if opts.show_all_buffers is false, keep them listed if true or nil if opts.show_all_buffers == false and not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(b) then return false end if opts.ignore_current_buffer and b == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then return false end return true end, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) if not next(bufnrs) then return end if opts.sort_mru then table.sort(bufnrs, function(a, b) return vim.fn.getbufinfo(a)[1].lastused > vim.fn.getbufinfo(b)[1].lastused end) end local buffers = {} local default_selection_idx = 1 for _, bufnr in ipairs(bufnrs) do local flag = bufnr == vim.fn.bufnr "" and "%" or (bufnr == vim.fn.bufnr "#" and "#" or " ") if opts.sort_lastused and not opts.ignore_current_buffer and flag == "#" then default_selection_idx = 2 end local element = { bufnr = bufnr, flag = flag, info = vim.fn.getbufinfo(bufnr)[1], } if opts.sort_lastused and (flag == "#" or flag == "%") then local idx = ((buffers[1] ~= nil and buffers[1].flag == "%") and 2 or 1) table.insert(buffers, idx, element) else table.insert(buffers, element) end end if not opts.bufnr_width then local max_bufnr = math.max(unpack(bufnrs)) opts.bufnr_width = #tostring(max_bufnr) end pickers.new(opts, { prompt_title = "Terminal buffers", finder = finders.new_table { results = buffers, entry_maker = opts.entry_maker or make_entry.gen_from_buffer(opts), }, previewer = conf.grep_previewer(opts), sorter = conf.generic_sorter(opts), default_selection_index = default_selection_idx, attach_mappings = function(prompt_bufnr) actions.select_default:replace(function() local entry = action_state.get_selected_entry() actions.close(prompt_bufnr) local buf = entry.bufnr local chad_term, type = pcall(function() return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var(buf, "term_type") end) -- TODO buffer checks/error detection (make sure we do get a buf) if chad_term then if type == "wind" then -- swtich to term buff & show in bufferline vim.cmd(string.format('b %d | setlocal bl', buf)) -- vim.cmd('startinsert') TODO fix this elseif type == "vert" then vim.cmd(string.format('vsp #%d', buf)) -- vim.cmd('startinsert') TODO fix this elseif type == "hori" then -- TODO change 15 to a chad config var number vim.cmd(string.format('15 sp #%d ', buf)) -- vim.cmd('startinsert') TODO fix this end end end) return true end, }):find() end -- register term picker as terms to telescope local present, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope") if present then return telescope.register_extension { exports = { terms = M.term_picker, }, } else error "Cannot find telescope!" end