local M = {} -- reload a plugin ( will try to load even if not loaded) -- can take a string or list ( table ) -- return true or false M.reload_plugin = function(plugins) local status = true local function _reload_plugin(plugin) local loaded = package.loaded[plugin] if loaded then package.loaded[plugin] = nil end if not pcall(require, plugin) then print("Error: Cannot load " .. plugin .. " plugin!") status = false end end if type(plugins) == "string" then _reload_plugin(plugins) elseif type(plugins) == "table" then for _, plugin in ipairs(plugins) do _reload_plugin(plugin) end end return status end -- return a table of available themes M.list_themes = function(return_type) local themes = {} -- folder where theme files are stored local themes_folder = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/themes" -- list all the contents of the folder and filter out files with .lua extension, then append to themes table local fd = vim.loop.fs_scandir(themes_folder) if fd then while true do local name, typ = vim.loop.fs_scandir_next(fd) if name == nil then break end if typ ~= "directory" and string.find(name, ".lua") then -- return the table values as keys if specified if return_type == "keys_as_value" then themes[vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ":r")] = true else table.insert(themes, vim.fn.fnamemodify(name, ":r")) end end end end return themes end -- 1st arg - r or w -- 2nd arg - file path -- 3rd arg - content if 1st arg is w -- return file data on read, nothing on write M.file = function(mode, filepath, content) local data local fd = assert(vim.loop.fs_open(filepath, mode, 438)) local stat = assert(vim.loop.fs_fstat(fd)) if stat.type ~= "file" then data = false else if mode == "r" then data = assert(vim.loop.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0)) else assert(vim.loop.fs_write(fd, content, 0)) data = true end end assert(vim.loop.fs_close(fd)) return data end -- 1st arg as current theme, 2nd as new theme M.change_theme = function(current_theme, new_theme) if current_theme == nil or new_theme == nil then print "Error: Provide current and new theme name" return false end if current_theme == new_theme then return end local file = vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/lua/user_config.lua" -- store in data variable local data = assert(M.file("r", file)) local find = "theme = .?" .. current_theme .. ".?" local replace = 'theme = "' .. new_theme .. '"' local content = string.gsub(data, find, replace) -- see if the find string exists in file if content == data then print("Error: Cannot change default theme with " .. new_theme .. ", edit " .. file .. " manually") return false else assert(M.file("w", file, content)) end end M.clear_cmdline = function() vim.defer_fn( function() vim.cmd("echo") end, 0 ) end return M