-- colors local bar_fg = "#565c64" local activeBuffer_fg = "#c8ccd4" require "bufferline".setup { options = { buffer_close_icon = "", modified_icon = "", close_icon = "", left_trunc_marker = "", right_trunc_marker = "", max_name_length = 14, max_prefix_length = 13, tab_size = 20, enforce_regular_tabs = true, view = "multiwindow", show_buffer_close_icons = true, separator_style = "thin" }, highlights = { background = { guifg = bar_fg, guibg = "#282c34" }, fill = { guifg = bar_fg, guibg = "#282c34" }, -- focused window buffer_selected = { guifg = activeBuffer_fg, guibg = "#1e222a", gui = "bold" }, separator_selected = { guifg = "#1e222a", guibg = "#1e222a" }, -- unfocused opened window buffer_visible = { guifg = "#9298a0", guibg = "#282c34" }, separator_visible = { guifg = "#282c34", guibg = "#282c34" }, separator = { guifg = "#282c34", guibg = "#282c34" }, indicator_selected = { guifg = "#282c34", guibg = "#282c34" }, modified_selected = { guifg = "#A3BE8C", guibg = "#1e222a" } } } local opt = {silent = true} local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap vim.g.mapleader = " " --command that adds new buffer and moves to it map("n", "", [[tabnew]], opt) --removing a buffer map("n", "", [[bdelete]], opt) -- tabnew and tabprev map("n", "", [[BufferLineCycleNext]], opt) -- Another alternate is TAB/S-TAB or C-,/C-. map("n", "", [[BufferLineCyclePrev]], opt)