-- commands vim.cmd "silent! command! NvChadUpdate lua require('nvchad').update_nvchad()" vim.cmd "silent! command! NvChadSnapshotCreate lua require('nvchad').snap_create()" vim.cmd "silent! command! NvChadSnapshotDelete lua require('nvchad').snap_delete()" vim.cmd "silent! command! NvChadSnapshotCheckout lua require('nvchad').snap_checkout()" -- autocmds local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd local api = vim.api -- wrap the PackerSync command to warn people before using it in NvChadSnapshots autocmd("VimEnter", { callback = function() vim.cmd "command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerSync lua require('core.utils').packer_sync()" end, }) -- Disable statusline in dashboard autocmd("FileType", { pattern = "alpha", callback = function() vim.opt.laststatus = 0 end, }) autocmd("BufUnload", { buffer = 0, callback = function() vim.opt.laststatus = 3 end, }) -- Don't auto commenting new lines autocmd("BufEnter", { pattern = "*", command = "set fo-=c fo-=r fo-=o", }) vim.t.bufs = vim.api.nvim_list_bufs() -- thx to https://github.com/ii14 & stores buffer per tab -> table autocmd({ "BufAdd" }, { callback = function(args) if vim.t.bufs == nil then vim.t.bufs = { args.buf } else local bufs = vim.t.bufs -- check for duplicates if not vim.tbl_contains(bufs, args.buf) then table.insert(bufs, args.buf) vim.t.bufs = bufs end end end, }) autocmd("BufDelete", { callback = function(args) for _, tab in ipairs(api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do local bufs = vim.t[tab].bufs if bufs then for i, bufnr in ipairs(bufs) do if bufnr == args.buf then table.remove(bufs, i) vim.t[tab].bufs = bufs break end end end end end, }) if require("core.utils").load_config().ui.tabufline_lazyloaded then require("core.lazy_load").tabufline() else vim.opt.showtabline = 2 vim.opt.tabline = "%!v:lua.require('ui.tabline').run()" end