-- IMPORTANT NOTE : This is default config, so dont change anything here. -- chadrc overrides this file local M = {} M.options = { -- load your options here or load module with options1 user = function() end, nvChad = { -- updater update_url = "https://github.com/NvChad/NvChad", update_branch = "main", }, } ---- UI ----- M.ui = { hl_override = "", colors = "", -- path of your file that contains colors theme = "onedark", -- default theme transparency = false, } M.plugins = { override = {}, remove = {}, options = { packer = { init_file = "plugins.packerInit", }, lspconfig = { setup_lspconf = "", -- path of lspconfig file }, statusline = { separator_style = "default", -- default/round/slant/block/arrow }, }, -- add, modify, remove plugins user = {}, } -- non plugin only M.mappings = { misc = function() end, } return M