local M = {} local api = vim.api local merge_tb = vim.tbl_deep_extend M.close_buffer = function(bufnr) if vim.bo.buftype == "terminal" then vim.cmd(vim.bo.buflisted and "set nobl | enew" or "hide") elseif vim.bo.modified then print "save the file bruh" else bufnr = bufnr or api.nvim_get_current_buf() require("core.utils").tabuflinePrev() vim.cmd("bd" .. bufnr) end end -- store mapping section names which have plugin key = true local lazyload_mappings_list = {} local add_mappingSection_toList = function() local default_mappings = require("core.default_config").mappings -- store mapping section name into a table for section_name, section_mappings in pairs(default_mappings) do if section_mappings.plugin then lazyload_mappings_list[section_name] = true section_mappings.plugin = nil end end end M.load_config = function() local config = require "core.default_config" local chadrc_exists, chadrc = pcall(require, "custom.chadrc") add_mappingSection_toList() if chadrc_exists then -- merge user config if it exists and is a table; otherwise display an error if type(chadrc) == "table" then M.remove_default_keys(chadrc.mappings or {}) config = merge_tb("force", config, chadrc) else error "chadrc must return a table!" end end config.mappings.disabled = nil return config end M.remove_default_keys = function(user_mappings) local user_keys = {} local user_sections = vim.tbl_keys(user_mappings) -- push user_map keys in user_keys table for _, section in ipairs(user_sections) do user_keys = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", user_keys, user_mappings[section]) end local function disable_key(mode, keybind, mode_mapping) if user_keys[mode] and user_keys[mode][keybind] then mode_mapping[keybind] = nil end end local default_mappings = require("core.default_config").mappings -- remove user_maps from default mapping table for _, section_mappings in pairs(default_mappings) do for mode, mode_mapping in pairs(section_mappings) do for keybind, _ in pairs(mode_mapping) do disable_key(mode, keybind, mode_mapping) end end end end M.load_mappings = function(mappings, mapping_opt) -- set mapping function with/without whichkey local set_maps local whichkey_exists, wk = pcall(require, "which-key") if whichkey_exists then set_maps = function(keybind, mapping_info, opts) wk.register({ [keybind] = mapping_info }, opts) end else set_maps = function(keybind, mapping_info, opts) local mode = opts.mode opts.mode = nil vim.keymap.set(mode, keybind, mapping_info[1], opts) end end local mappings_tb = M.load_config().mappings mappings = vim.deepcopy(type(mappings) == "string" and { mappings_tb[mappings] } or mappings_tb) local function set_mappings() for name, section in pairs(mappings) do -- skip mapping section with plugin=true if not lazyload_mappings_list[name] then for mode, mode_values in pairs(section) do for keybind, mapping_info in pairs(mode_values) do -- merge default + user opts local default_opts = merge_tb("force", { mode = mode }, mapping_opt or {}) local opts = merge_tb("force", default_opts, mapping_info.opts or {}) if mapping_info.opts then mapping_info.opts = nil end set_maps(keybind, mapping_info, opts) end end end end end vim.defer_fn(function() set_mappings() end, 0) end -- remove plugins defined in chadrc M.remove_default_plugins = function(plugins) local removals = M.load_config().plugins.remove or {} if not vim.tbl_isempty(removals) then for _, plugin in pairs(removals) do plugins[plugin] = nil end end return plugins end -- merge default/user plugin tables M.merge_plugins = function(default_plugins) local user_plugins = M.load_config().plugins.user -- merge default + user plugin table default_plugins = merge_tb("force", default_plugins, user_plugins) local final_table = {} for key, _ in pairs(default_plugins) do default_plugins[key][1] = key final_table[#final_table + 1] = default_plugins[key] end return final_table end M.load_override = function(default_table, plugin_name) local user_table = M.load_config().plugins.override[plugin_name] or {} user_table = type(user_table) == "table" and user_table or user_table() return merge_tb("force", default_table, user_table) end M.packer_sync = function(...) local git_exists, git = pcall(require, "nvchad.utils.git") local defaults_exists, defaults = pcall(require, "nvchad.utils.config") local packer_exists, packer = pcall(require, "packer") if git_exists and defaults_exists then local current_branch_name = git.get_current_branch_name() -- warn the user if we are on a snapshot branch if current_branch_name:match(defaults.snaps.base_snap_branch_name .. "(.+)" .. "$") then vim.api.nvim_echo({ { "WARNING: You are trying to use ", "WarningMsg" }, { "PackerSync" }, { " on a NvChadSnapshot. This will cause issues if NvChad dependencies contain " .. "any breaking changes! Plugin updates will not be included in this " .. "snapshot, so they will be lost after switching between snapshots! Would " .. "you still like to continue? [y/N]\n", "WarningMsg", }, }, false, {}) local ans = vim.trim(string.lower(vim.fn.input "-> ")) if ans ~= "y" then return end end end if packer_exists then packer.sync(...) else error "Packer could not be loaded!" end end M.bufilter = function() local bufs = vim.t.bufs for i = #bufs, 1, -1 do if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufs[i]) then table.remove(bufs, i) end end return bufs end M.tabuflineNext = function() local bufs = M.bufilter() or {} for i, v in ipairs(bufs) do if api.nvim_get_current_buf() == v then vim.cmd(i == #bufs and "b" .. bufs[1] or "b" .. bufs[i + 1]) break end end end M.tabuflinePrev = function() local bufs = M.bufilter() or {} for i, v in ipairs(bufs) do if api.nvim_get_current_buf() == v then vim.cmd(i == 1 and "b" .. bufs[#bufs] or "b" .. bufs[i - 1]) break end end end -- closes tab + all of its buffers M.closeAllBufs = function(action) local bufs = vim.t.bufs if action == "closeTab" then vim.cmd "tabclose" end for _, buf in ipairs(bufs) do M.close_buffer(buf) end if action ~= "closeTab" then vim.cmd "enew" end end return M