local M = {} local chadrc_config = require("core.utils").load_config() M.autopairs = function() local present1, autopairs = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs") local present2, autopairs_completion = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp") if not (present1 or present2) then return end autopairs.setup() -- not needed if you disable cmp, the above var related to cmp tooo! override default config for autopairs autopairs_completion.setup { map_complete = true, -- insert () func completion map_cr = true, } end M.better_escape = function() require("better_escape").setup { mapping = chadrc_config.mappings.plugins.better_escape.esc_insertmode, timeout = chadrc_config.plugins.options.esc_insertmode_timeout, } end M.blankline = function() require("indent_blankline").setup { indentLine_enabled = 1, char = "▏", filetype_exclude = { "help", "terminal", "dashboard", "packer", "lspinfo", "TelescopePrompt", "TelescopeResults", }, buftype_exclude = { "terminal" }, show_trailing_blankline_indent = false, show_first_indent_level = false, } end M.colorizer = function() local present, colorizer = pcall(require, "colorizer") if present then colorizer.setup({ "*" }, { RGB = true, -- #RGB hex codes RRGGBB = true, -- #RRGGBB hex codes names = false, -- "Name" codes like Blue RRGGBBAA = false, -- #RRGGBBAA hex codes rgb_fn = false, -- CSS rgb() and rgba() functions hsl_fn = false, -- CSS hsl() and hsla() functions css = false, -- Enable all CSS features: rgb_fn, hsl_fn, names, RGB, RRGGBB css_fn = false, -- Enable all CSS *functions*: rgb_fn, hsl_fn -- Available modes: foreground, background mode = "background", -- Set the display mode. }) vim.cmd "ColorizerReloadAllBuffers" end end M.comment = function() local present, nvim_comment = pcall(require, "nvim_comment") if present then nvim_comment.setup() end end M.luasnip = function() local present, luasnip = pcall(require, "luasnip") if not present then return end luasnip.config.set_config { history = true, updateevents = "TextChanged,TextChangedI", } require("luasnip/loaders/from_vscode").load { paths = chadrc_config.plugins.options.luasnip.snippet_path } require("luasnip/loaders/from_vscode").load() end M.signature = function() local present, lspsignature = pcall(require, "lsp_signature") if present then lspsignature.setup { bind = true, doc_lines = 0, floating_window = true, fix_pos = true, hint_enable = true, hint_prefix = " ", hint_scheme = "String", hi_parameter = "Search", max_height = 22, max_width = 120, -- max_width of signature floating_window, line will be wrapped if exceed max_width handler_opts = { border = "single", -- double, single, shadow, none }, zindex = 200, -- by default it will be on top of all floating windows, set to 50 send it to bottom padding = "", -- character to pad on left and right of signature can be ' ', or '|' etc } end end return M