remove blankline from terminal

This commit is contained in:
siduck76 2021-04-04 17:17:11 +05:30
parent 425eb4cbb5
commit a57b352db8
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -39,21 +39,24 @@ g.indent_blankline_char = "▏"
cmd("hi IndentBlanklineChar guifg=#373b43")
g.indent_blankline_filetype_exclude = {"help", "terminal"}
g.indent_blankline_buftype_exclude = {"terminal"}
g.indent_blankline_show_trailing_blankline_indent = false
g.indent_blankline_show_first_indent_level = false
-- highlights
-- highlights --
cmd("hi LineNr guibg=NONE")
cmd("hi SignColumn guibg=NONE")
cmd("hi VertSplit guibg=NONE")
cmd("hi VertSplit guibg=NONE guifg=#3e4451")
cmd("hi DiffAdd guifg=#81A1C1 guibg = none")
cmd("hi DiffChange guifg =#3A3E44 guibg = none")
cmd("hi DiffModified guifg = #81A1C1 guibg = none")
cmd("hi EndOfBuffer guifg=#282c34")
-- telescope stuff and popupmenu
cmd("hi TelescopeBorder guifg=#3e4451")
cmd("hi TelescopePromptBorder guifg=#3e4451")
cmd("hi TelescopeResultsBorder guifg=#3e4451")
@ -87,10 +90,8 @@ augroup NvimTree
-- remove line n.os from terminal
au BufEnter term://* setlocal nonumber
]], false)
-- make inactive statuslines look thin
cmd("highlight! StatusLineNC gui=underline guibg=NONE guifg=#3e4451")