change plugin init to config terminal on load extensions, change mappings to use new chadterm

This commit is contained in:
zbirenbaum 2022-03-20 17:22:16 -04:00 committed by siduck
parent b9e8f489ed
commit 1face444b8
2 changed files with 24 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ local map_wrapper =
local maps = config.mappings
local plugin_maps = maps.plugins
local nvChad_options = config.options.nvChad
local terminal_options = config.options.terminal
local cmd = vim.cmd
@ -95,14 +96,26 @@ M.misc = function()
-- get out of terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n>")
-- hide a term from within terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_hide_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n> :lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>")
map("t", term_maps.esc_hide_termmode, "<CMD>lua require('nvchad.terminal').hide() <CR>")
-- pick a hidden term
map("n", term_maps.pick_term, ":Telescope terms <CR>")
-- Open terminals
-- TODO this opens on top of an existing vert/hori term, fixme
map("n", term_maps.new_horizontal, ":execute 15 .. 'new +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'hori' | startinsert <CR>")
map("n", term_maps.new_vertical, ":execute 'vnew +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'vert' | startinsert <CR>")
map("n", term_maps.new_window, ":execute 'terminal' | let b:term_type = 'wind' | startinsert <CR>")
{ "n", "t" },
"<CMD>lua require('nvchad.terminal').new_or_toggle('horizontal', "
.. tostring(terminal_options.window.split_height)
.. ")<CR>"
{ "n", "t" },
"<CMD>lua require('nvchad.terminal').new_or_toggle('vertical', "
.. tostring(terminal_options.window.vsplit_width)
.. ")<CR>"
--map("n", term_maps.new_window, "") not supported yet
-- terminal mappings end --
-- Add Packer commands because we are not loading it at startup

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ end
local override_req = require("core.utils").override_req
local plugins = {
{ "NvChad/extensions" },
{ "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" },
{ "lewis6991/impatient.nvim" },
{ "nathom/filetype.nvim" },
@ -18,6 +17,13 @@ local plugins = {
event = "VimEnter",
config = function ()
after = "packer.nvim",