/* * Copyright: * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as authorized * by a licensing agreement from ARM Limited. * (C) COPYRIGHT 2017-2018 ARM Limited, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized copies and * copies may only be made to the extent permitted by a licensing agreement * from ARM Limited. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Kernel-side tests may include mali_kbase's headers. Therefore any config * options which affect the sizes of any structs (e.g. adding extra members) * must be included in these defaults, so that the structs are consistent in * both mali_kbase and the test modules. */ bob_defaults { name: "mali_kbase_shared_config_defaults", no_mali: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_NO_MALI=y"], }, mali_devfreq: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_DEVFREQ=y"], }, mali_midgard_dvfs: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_MIDGARD_DVFS=y"], }, mali_debug: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_DEBUG=y"], }, mali_fpga_bus_logger: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_FPGA_BUS_LOGGER=y"], }, cinstr_job_dump: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_JOB_DUMP=y"], }, cinstr_vector_dump: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_VECTOR_DUMP=y"], }, cinstr_gwt: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_CINSTR_GWT=y"], }, mali_gator_support: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_GATOR_SUPPORT=y"], }, mali_system_trace: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_SYSTEM_TRACE=y"], }, mali_pwrsoft_765: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_PWRSOFT_765=y"], }, kbuild_options: [ "MALI_UNIT_TEST={{.unit_test_code}}", "MALI_CUSTOMER_RELEASE={{.release}}", "MALI_USE_CSF={{.gpu_has_csf}}", "MALI_KERNEL_TEST_API={{.debug}}", ], defaults: ["kernel_defaults"], } bob_kernel_module { name: "mali_kbase", srcs: [ "*.c", "*.h", "Kbuild", "backend/gpu/*.c", "backend/gpu/*.h", "backend/gpu/Kbuild", "ipa/*.c", "ipa/*.h", "ipa/Kbuild", "platform/*.h", "platform/*/*.c", "platform/*/*.h", "platform/*/Kbuild", "thirdparty/*.c", ], kbuild_options: [ "CONFIG_MALI_KUTF=n", "CONFIG_MALI_MIDGARD=m", "CONFIG_MALI_NO_MALI_DEFAULT_GPU={{.gpu}}", "CONFIG_MALI_PLATFORM_NAME={{.mali_platform_name}}", ], mali_fpga_bus_logger: { extra_symbols: [ "bus_logger", ], }, mali_corestack: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_CORESTACK=y"], }, mali_error_inject: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_ERROR_INJECT=y"], }, mali_error_inject_random: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_ERROR_INJECT_RANDOM=y"], }, cinstr_secondary_hwc: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_PRFCNT_SET_SECONDARY=y"], }, mali_2mb_alloc: { kbuild_options: ["CONFIG_MALI_2MB_ALLOC=y"], }, gpu_has_csf: { srcs: [ "csf/*.c", "csf/*.h", "csf/Kbuild", ], }, defaults: ["mali_kbase_shared_config_defaults"], }