# # Copyright (C) 2023 The LineageOS Project # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # # Enable updating of APEXes $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/updatable_apex.mk) # Include GSI keys $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/developer_gsi_keys.mk) # fastbootd PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.fastboot@1.1-impl-mock \ fastbootd # Health PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ android.hardware.health@2.1-impl \ android.hardware.health@2.1-impl.recovery \ android.hardware.health@2.1-service # Overlays PRODUCT_ENFORCE_RRO_TARGETS := * # Partitions PRODUCT_BUILD_SUPER_PARTITION := false PRODUCT_USE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS := true # Product characteristics PRODUCT_CHARACTERISTICS := phone # Rootdir PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ mx_log_collection.sh \ enable_test_mode.sh \ mx_logger.sh \ gps.sh \ install-recovery.sh \ mx_logger_dump.sh \ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ fstab.ramplus \ init.recovery.samsung.rc \ init.recovery.exynos9611.rc \ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH)/rootdir/etc/fstab.ramplus:$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_RAMDISK)/fstab.ramplus # Shipping API level PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL := 29 # Soong namespaces PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES += \ $(LOCAL_PATH) # Inherit the proprietary files $(call inherit-product, vendor/samsung/xcoverpro/xcoverpro-vendor.mk)