Refactor PCI device enumeration

The PCI driver's function  'pci_check_device_exists'  can now test for
a specific function. There were a few changes connected to that, those
have also been done now.
This commit is contained in:
Eric-Paul Ickhorn 2024-08-30 20:19:07 +02:00
parent 8127c67d30
commit 40b89c3985
Signed by: epickh
GPG Key ID: 1358818BAA38B104
1 changed files with 97 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -1,58 +1,84 @@
; Arguments:
; ah Bus Number (0 .. 255)
; al Device Number (0 .. 31)
; [Furthest from EBP]
; 2. U16 Function (0 .. 7)
; 1. U16 Device Number (0 .. 31)
; 0. U16 Bus Number (0 .. 255)
; [Nearest to EBP]
; Returns:
; - true/false (eax)
push dword esi
sub esp, 8
mov esi, esp
; eax: If there is NO device at the location: 0
; If there IS a device at the location: 1
push esi
sub esp, 32
mov [esi], edx
mov [esi + 4], eax
mov [esi + 24], ebx
mov [esi + 28], edx
mov ax, [ebp - 2]
mov [esi + 4], al
mov ax, [ebp - 4]
and al, 0x1f
mov [esi + 5], al
mov ax, [ebp - 6]
and al, 0x07
mov [esi + 6], al
; Configuration Space Address (4 bytes):
; [Highest Bit]
; 5. Enable Bit (1)
; 4. Reserved (8)
; 3. Bus Number (8)
; 2. Device Number (4)
; 1. Function Number (3)
; 0. Register Offset (8)
; [Lowest Bit]
xor eax, eax
; Enable Bit
or al, 1
; Make space for 8 Reserved Bits and 8 Bytes of bus number.
shl eax, 15
xor edx, edx
; Set the Enable Bit
inc edx
; Make space for 8 Reserved Bits and 8 Bits for the Bus Number.
shl edx, 15
; Bus Number
mov al, [esi + 5]
; Device Number
; Make space for device number
shl eax, 5
mov dl, [esi + 4]
and dl, 0x1f
or al, dl
shl eax, 11
; Device Number
shl edx, 5
or dl, [esi + 5]
; Function Number
shl edx, 3
or edx, [esi + 6]
; Make place for the register offset (which isn't used here).
shl edx, 8
out dx, eax
mov eax, edx
in eax, dx
out dx, eax
cmp ax, 0xffff
jne .device_found
in eax, dx
mov edx, [esi]
cmp ax, 0xffff
je .no_device
add esp, 8
pop dword esi
xor eax, eax
inc eax
jmp .epilog
xor eax, eax
mov edx, [esi]
xor eax, eax
add esp, 8
pop dword esi
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, [esi + 24]
mov edx, [esi + 28]
add esp, 32
pop esi
@ -120,7 +146,7 @@ pci_append_device:
; Returns:
; ax PCI Device Class & Subclass
; (Higher byte: Class, lower byte: Subclass)
; (Lower byte: Subclass, Higher byte: Class)
push dword esi
sub esp, 64
@ -163,6 +189,8 @@ pci_get_device_class_at_address:
; PCI class- and subclass-code
shr eax, 16
xchg ah, al
mov ebx, [esi + (64 - 8)]
mov ecx, [esi + (64 - 12)]
@ -177,7 +205,7 @@ pci_get_device_class_at_address:
; Arguments:
; 2. U32 Bus Number (0 .. 255)
; 2. U16 Bus Number (0 .. 255)
; 1. Ptr32 Pointer to PCI driver area of 65536 bytes
@ -192,61 +220,61 @@ pci_enumerate_bus:
mov [esi + (64 - 12)], ecx
mov [esi + (64 - 16)], edx
mov [esi + (64 - 20)], edi
; [esi]: Device-in-bus Index
; CH: Bus Number
; CL: Device index within bus
; [esi + 4]: Number of existing devices
; [esi + 8]: Bus number
; [esi + 12]: PCI driver area pointer
mov [esi], dword 0
mov [esi + 4], dword 0
mov eax, [ebp - 8]
mov [esi + 8], eax
mov eax, [ebp - 4]
mov [esi + 12], eax
mov ch, [ebp - 4]
xor cl, cl
cmp [esi], dword 32
cmp cl, 32
jae .epilog
mov ah, [esi + 8] ; Bus Number
mov al, [esi] ; Device Number
mov [esi + 16], ax
mov ax, [ebp - 6] ; Bus Number
mov dx, cx
and dx, 0xff
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
call pci_device_exists
push ax ; Bus Number
push dx ; Device Index
push word 0 ; Function Number
call pci_check_device_exists
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
cmp ax, 0
je .no_device
mov al, [esi + 8]
mov ah, [esi]
; Device Number in DX
xor dx, dx
mov dl, ah
xor ah, ah
mov bx, cx
and bx, 0xff
mov ax, cx
shr ax, 8
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ax
push dx
push ax ; Bus Number
push bx ; Device Index
call pci_get_device_class_at_address
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
mov cx, ax
mov ax, [esi + 16]
mov edx, [ebp - 4]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push dword [esi + 12]
push ax
push cx
push edx ; Pointer to PCI Driver Area
push cx ; Device Address
push ax ; Class, Subclass
call pci_append_device
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
@ -254,7 +282,7 @@ pci_enumerate_bus:
mov ebx, [ebp - 4]
inc dword [esi]
inc cl
jmp .device_loop
@ -280,6 +308,7 @@ pci_enumerate_bus:
; Returns:
; eax: Number of devices read
push dword esi
sub esp, 64
mov esi, esp
@ -290,6 +319,7 @@ pci_enumerate:
mov [esi + (64 - 16)], edx
mov [esi + (64 - 20)], edi
; [esi]: Number of devices found
; ecx: Bus Index